by Renee Bledsoe, September 6, 2007
I had this amazing vision and something I can only refer to as a "download" of knowledge. I received a waking visual of this large horseshoe magnet and then I saw another horseshoe magnet come end to end with it and they repelled each other! All the while I'm having this vision I am getting streams of knowledge regarding what this is about and interpretations. And then I saw the one horseshoe magnet shield itself with a piece of metal and then it attached to this giant magnetic source that was so big that I couldn't see where it began and ended. I "knew" that this piece of metal was significant of what we might refer to as "a cause", "a project", or "an organization". I knew that this is what allows us (the magnets) to attach to the source. I could also see how two magnets repel each other. I then saw that once the one magnet who was shielded and attached to the source began attracting other pieces of metal and other magnets and they aligned in a certain way, but all drawing power from the main magnet who was channeling power from the master source.
Of course, me being a marketer, this message is not lost on me at all, but it wasn't something I consciously knew. The major lesson I received from this teaching was that it is vital to form an organization, cause or project which polarizes your message and allows you to tap into the power of the source. This creates a cooperative environment which fosters massive growth opportunities for everyone who is linked together in this way.
Here's some of the random thoughts that came as a result of that vision:
I had this amazing vision and something I can only refer to as a "download" of knowledge. I received a waking visual of this large horseshoe magnet and then I saw another horseshoe magnet come end to end with it and they repelled each other! All the while I'm having this vision I am getting streams of knowledge regarding what this is about and interpretations. And then I saw the one horseshoe magnet shield itself with a piece of metal and then it attached to this giant magnetic source that was so big that I couldn't see where it began and ended. I "knew" that this piece of metal was significant of what we might refer to as "a cause", "a project", or "an organization". I knew that this is what allows us (the magnets) to attach to the source. I could also see how two magnets repel each other. I then saw that once the one magnet who was shielded and attached to the source began attracting other pieces of metal and other magnets and they aligned in a certain way, but all drawing power from the main magnet who was channeling power from the master source.
Of course, me being a marketer, this message is not lost on me at all, but it wasn't something I consciously knew. The major lesson I received from this teaching was that it is vital to form an organization, cause or project which polarizes your message and allows you to tap into the power of the source. This creates a cooperative environment which fosters massive growth opportunities for everyone who is linked together in this way.
Here's some of the random thoughts that came as a result of that vision:
1) The body has infinite wisdom. I have created any given situation or relationship - not to punish myself, but to learn something deeply hidden about myself.
2) Keep digging and asking why until you get an understanding. Meditate on it and play mental chess with it in your mind, discuss with others.
3) Trust that the more painful or confounding something is, the more hidden and therefore the more profound the lesson and therefore worthy of pursuit. You will never find out something you are not ready to discover.
4) This also applies to how often a situation recurrs. The more often similar situations and relationships occur, the more diligently the soul and the subconscious are attempting to reconcile.
5) Lessons are for the purpose of recalibrating to a higher vibration, not just to gain humility. Having a higher vibration is what allows you to obtain fulfillment of your human potential and preferences. Therefore it is crucial to become humble.
6) Humility facilitates nothing more than a willingness to learn and remain open to all data, not for mere submissiveness.
7) The lesson may be about the other person AND about myself, but if it is in my experience it is ALWAYS about me.
8) Hurt feelings, slights, suffering, misunderstanding, pain are only created through resistance to deep body wisdom and to the lesson.
9) Everything in your experience is serving you somehow and therefore is necessary in the moment in which it is occuring.
10) If you can create pain, then you have an equal ability to create joy, love and peace.
11) The people who get under your skin the most are your greatest teachers and represent a hidden part of you that you disown.
12) The people you love and respect the most are also your greatest teachers and represent a hidden part of you that you embrace.
13) Two magnets will repell each other, therefore 2 or more people who are attention seeking will either not engage or not get along.
14) A magnet draws in metal, therefore it is crucial to become polarized in order to attract others.
15) You must be as metal and you must stop the resistance to be firmly attached to the source magnet so that you can draw in ANYONE, attention seekers (other small magnets) or truth seekers (metal).
16) You then become a mediary between the source magnet, a gatekeeper to this particular doorway of the source.
17) The source magnet has endless sources itself and can accommodate infinite doorways.
18) When you are firmly attached to the source magnet, others will be attracted to it THROUGH you, not because of YOU.
19) It will only appear that it is YOU that they are attracted to.
20) What is really attracting them is the source magnet. The source can draw much more than you ever possibly could on your own because it satisfies all requirements. But the source NEEDS you! Because is a magnet! When it teams up with you it can then both attract and repel. And this is how to carve out a path back to the source. So that is what is meant by that we can't directly look on God's face and when Jesus said the only way to the father is through me! This team now delivers the truth and it delivers attention....lots of it....potentially inexhaustible supply. In other words, it gives you the ability to have the powers of both magnet and metal!
21) This is how the law of attraction become almost effortless and is spawned by an intention as you become one of the gateways to the source. This is the over simplified science behind this magic.
22) This is why many people who attract with their own magnetism cannot sustain it and they ultimately lose their attraction. They will either surrender it or they will polarize themselves through their choices in consciousness.
23) Initially this requires a humbling, surrender, and sacrafice.
24) When you understand this, it is only humbling because you thought you were the source. Once you understand how this works words like surrender, sacrafice and humility become obsolete in your vocabulary.
25 When you realize that the source is endless and abundant and that it is not only your birthright to become a mediator for it, but is crucial to your survival, then you will stop overlaying lower levels of reality onto situations and relationships.
26) You will create the reality of your dreams through a higher vibration and those dreams will fulfill your desire to be connected to both the above and the below. Your reality with be experienced through the dimension of heaven on earth.
27) The more people who are able to fold down this alternate universe into the physical plane, the more accessible it will be to the mass consciousness and therefore more and more people will be able to do the same.
P.S. I had to look up with polarized means...I bolded the piece here that stood out to me to be a message.
The American Heritage Science Dictionary - Cite This Source
polarize ![]() ![]()
Picture Source: Other sources on Magnetism/Electricity: |
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