Jewel of the Heart
I open my heart to love.
I am love.
I lead with my heart and follow my bliss.
I connect my head to my heart and my heart to my hands.
My hands are an extension of my heart.
I am one with all my relations.
I see the interconnected web of all beings.
I am one with the creator.
My heart blossoms like a lotus.
I activate my high heart energy.
I am devoted to serving in the light.
My heart is the gateway to my soul.
I take only good things to my heart.
I seek wisdom & understanding in all my relationships.
I honor relationships as teachers in my life.
My relationships are as mirrors to my soul.
I express love in all my relations.
I activate the power of love.
The father lives in me.
I am the Father, mother and child in one.
I am a threefold being of light.
I see and feel my connection to all that is.
The energy of the sun is a radiant source of spiritual light & life.
I experience God through my relationships.
This is God’s journey – May we walk it well.
I am, that I am.