Monday, November 22, 2021

DECEMBER 2021: Divine Light

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Albus Dumbledore 

In theology, divine light (also called divine radiance or divine refulgence) is an aspect of divine presence, specifically an unknown and mysterious ability of God, angels, or human beings to express themselves communicatively through spiritual means, rather than through physical capacities. Spiritual light or divine light is often used as a metaphor for the Truth, as in seeing the light. However, spiritual light is a very real phenomenon that has a profound effect upon the earth and her inhabitants on many levels of being. 

“Whoever lives the truth comes into the light.” (John 3:21) 

Bringing in more divine light is accomplished slowly and over time, as we remove layers of denial and awaken to ever deepening understanding of the true nature of our being. Truth is revealed, this allows enlightenment to occur.. meaning darkness and confusion are brought to order. This order, at first can feel a little austere, and a kind of emptiness can occur, especially if the segueway into our purpose is not quite in step with the dance of our new beginnings. Yet, this stage of enlightenment is not to be feared. There is a definitive point in time where we are claiming the truth of our free will and going to places of greater responsibility with our free will. 

At first when the full weight of that is felt, acknowledged and understood, it can press upon us and feel quite overwhelming. This is why the process of enlightenment, while in it's initial stages often entails a great deal of clearing and letting go of belief systems that do not serve free will, is ultimately leading us to the realization of our freedom to create our life, to live out our destiny in the highest, most ingenious ways we can imagine. Navigating in the emptiness of our own divine identity as it is coming to light is a time when our true selves are literally coming alive or coming online. It truly is an awakening and an unfolding of the great mystery within. 

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ― Plato 

As we begin the process of unfolding, much like a flower that opens its petals to the sun, we continue to bring in more and more light. It becomes important for us to consciously work with light. We do this by continuing practices which help us to raise and maintain higher levels of awareness and mindfulness. some of that freedom we have earned includes the propensity to tell the truth.... regularly and even at cost to what was before. When this is faithfully done, we start to see the perfection of this existence in greater detail. This brings us into a deep appreciation for our life and for all life. This appreciation and gratitude becomes a way of being, and not just a list that we rustle up when we need a reminder to pull us out of the doldrums. 

Often we will hear teachers remind us of the power of our shadow and going into our own darkness. While these teachings are helpful for sure, ultimately if you look at darkness or chaos as a part of creation, or the void of creation to be more specific, then you will understand that journeying through a measure of darkness is a valid part of the process of creating our lives, and our divine identity. But just as the physical birth process and our time in the womb and passage through the birth canal is not the whole of our life experience, but in reality only the beginning, for our divinity is born through the passage through the valley of the shadow of darkness into the light in much the same way. Notice that it says the shadow of darkness. This could be interpreted as saying that when we are in the void or the unknown aspects of creation that if we are suffering, in pain or afraid that we may be in the shadow of darkness. As we ascribe our fears to this part of the creative process, it could quite possibly be reminding us that we are to bring light into the darkness in order to release the lie of the shadow. 

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”  ― Martin Luther King Jr 

Divine Light has the power to heal and empower our lives in ways that we may barely be able to comprehend. Lightworkers the world over are essentially truth workers, who by facing their own darkness, bravely shine the light and are willing to die the little ego deaths of negativity and distorted belief systems in order to be reborn into the light. This has a visceral effect on all life. For bringing in divine light is much more than a metaphor for the truth, though it is always brought forth through the vehicle of Truth. Spiritual Light is here for us to resource ourselves and remember ourselves in due course. It is a real and vital substance that we must learn how to summon and direct for the greater good of all. We must do this regularly and routinely in order to strengthen and awaken to the light of truth. Truth brings healing and redemption. Our task is to learn to trust in the process of creation. 

“The Light is more than some abstract, unknowable energy force. Light is Truth. If Light is truth, then darkness must be lies. Each and every lie we tell to ourselves and others casts the shadow of separation upon us. Every time even the most minor deception is revealed and the truth is made known we are re-united with the Light. So, Let there be Light. Those are the words by which you can create your own magnificent world.” - Renee Bledsoe 

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
December 05 - Divine Light
December 12 - Divinity: Divine Identity
December 19 - White Magic: Creating Good
December 26 - Keeping Sacred - Holiday Altar Church in Circle

Divine Light Affirmations
I am a being of pure light..
Where I once created my life in darkness, I now turn everything into the light.
I refine my ability to create from love.
I create my life because of love.
I look for ever deepening enlightened expressions of  love.
I create and express the light of my soul.
I allow the light of my soul to be my guiding light.
I enter the darkness, knowing that all that lies outside of what is known to me is there.
Magic and miracles live in the unknown.
I courageously enter the mystery void of creation.
I reveal the light in all my dealings.
The truth will set me free.
The light resources me and gives me strength.
I turn the karma of my ancestral path into the light.
I heal and empower myself with the light of truth.
I am devoted to the Light.
Spiritual Light activates my soul.
My spirit is reborn in the flesh.
The divine mother within carefully tends my soul.
My mind is in service to my soul.
There is a saviour being born within me.
Moments of truth clarify my connection to my divinity.
I allow my divinity to be revealed.
The light of my soul reveals the purity of my heart.
I accept the light for my highest good.
I receive and activate the great spiritual light of the holy days.
I am conscious of greater depths of love.
My spiritual strength comes from the light of the creator.
Where there is truth, there is light. Where there is light, there is God.

Monday, November 1, 2021

NOVEMBER 2021: Spiritual Alchemy

“The Great Work is a Spiritual Process. The One thing is the birth of your soul." Hermetica

Our human journey is a study in spiritual alchemy. Alchemy is the art and science of transformation, which follows a very specific and predictable set of protocols. Initially it was couched in secret, scientific encoded writings. However, many mystics have since revealed the code and applied it to the most powerful alchemical laboratory of all: the human being. As we evolve it is apparent that we are turning our base, instinctually driven nature into a fully free willed creator God... the pauper into the King or Queen... the lead of our mortal existence into the "gold" of our immortality... our body into our Soul.

“You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” - C.S. Lewis

We are always changing, yet we haven't always understood, nor recognized our changes and have even feared change.  In the past, time had been slowed and attuned by the current state of human consciousness, sometimes not allowing us to see the cause of effects enough to truly link up the truth of cause and effect. This was so for many reasons, not the least of which was to give us the gift of time so that we could discern our existence with free will, and learn, discover and grow more into the fullness of our human potential, and our powers to manifest.

“Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.” - Oscar Wilde

Time is key here as we delve into the alchemical marriage of our body/mind/soul and spirit. For it is time that draws us upward on the vertical axis of the path and subjects us to the process of spiritual alchemy. Yet, as we become more fifth dimensional, stepping outside of linear time and space, it becomes imperative to engage with time in a new way. We must have a way to routinely take stock of ourselves as we become increasingly non-linear and more holistic. The medicine wheel with it's ouroborous effect is the complete package that allows us to not only take stock, but setup milemarkers to chart and direct our own progression.

Most of our growth has come through a painful rending of old belief systems, which also tend to show up as a letting go of relationships, careers and other physical manifestations, as well as, dreams, ideas, fantasies and karmic contracts. Without knowledge of spiritual alchemy, these things might appear to make no sense, and serve to further dig us into the roles of victim and perpetrator. But once this most predictable process is realized and we see that we are literally experiencing a kind of spiritual procedure through our own crisis, we have a chance of lifting ourselves into another mode and way of being. While understanding this process from a more cosmic and spiritual evolutionary perspective might not make it immediately less painful, it can relieve any undue suffering from our misunderstanding, internalizing or confusion. Much like a midwife's job is to bring comfort to the birthing mother, by truly understanding spiritual alchemy we can comfort and prepare ourselves for what is to come.

"Where there is fear, there is power. Even fear is a friend. Transcend."  - Cora Flora

It is through the process of alchemy that our soul emerges and integrates the body and the spirit in the flesh. It is how we become like God. Yet, as we let go of our notions of who and what God is... and turn more toward our own inward journey and allowing that transformation to outwardly manifest, we come to truly know the complexities of the creator, through the gift of our Higher Self... our Holy Guardian Angel. As we entertain greater levels of freedom, we find that we are the captain of our destiny. This can seem like an overwhelming responsibility unless we are aware of the alchemical process by having a system which helps us to keep the lines of communication open between all our aspects. Containers such as meditation, medicine wheel  and Kabbalah helps us to do just that. Ultimately we do not need blind faith to proceed, for we can develop the spiritual eyes to see and the ears to hear the whisperings of our soul.

“Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see” - William Newton Clarke

We are evolving. Humanity has enough time into this process now, and the ability to communicate and compare notes, which is a part of that process itself. For as we observe ourselves and become more and more consciously aware of the depth of our own existence, we then can realize our own tempering into compassionate and loving beings of light, with great powers of healing and creativity which will allow us to fully step into our free will and choose the kind of world we will make real. We can choose heaven or hell. The power is within our hands.

“This is the ultimate end of man, to find the One which is in him; which is his truth, which is his soul; the key with which he opens the gate of the spiritual life, the heavenly kingdom.” - Rabindranath Tagore

Conversely enough, there is a divine plan however, that was agreed upon by our GodSelf to elevate humanity back to a state of re-unification in God Consciousness. The truth is that we cannot fail. Because just because we do not remember our GodSelf and our master purpose, doesn't mean that our soul doesn't remember. And this process of alchemy will birth our soul, one way or another. And when the soul comes stalking, the things we need to experience to awaken will happen.

“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” - Henry Ward Beecher

It is our work here to awaken the GodSelf within through love and awareness, and proactive midwiving of the soul's emergence. This is why our power to communicate is so important. Messengers are being sent to tell us that it does not have to be difficult. Great sacrifices have been made to ensure that each wave of souls successively has an easier birth. So we must take this great gift, awaken now and receive the grace of our existence in this moment. Let love live through us, allow our souls to emerge and heaven on earth to end the war between fear and love.

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” - Joseph Campbell

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
November 07 - Spiritual Alchemy
November 14 - Finding Your Treasure
November 21 - Amazing Grace 
November 28 - Saying Yes to your Soul

My Soul is preparing me to meet my Higher Self.
I am becoming my Soul.
I am inspired with the Light of the Creator to open to my full potential.
I am free to choose life.
I am free to choose love.
True freedom means free to be in the presence of the divine.
My freedom allows me to be more devoted and committed to the Light and Love of this creation.
My Spirit informs my soul every day.
I take the time to care for my soul, as I care for my body.
I honor all aspects of my being.
I am in conscious contact with my Higher Self.
I an reunited with my soul group.
I understand the great powers of a working with my soul group.
A soul group allows for the constant reflection of God/dess to be made manifest.
My soul group allows me to refine my divinity, my divine identity.
I accept my God Self.
I am loving and compassionate for this journey of becoming.
Through spiritual alchemy my soul emerges.
I am tempered through this alchemical process into a loving super-being of light.
My love is my shield and my guide.
I accept the alchemy of my addictions as part of growing and evolving.
Addictions and attachments are breaking me open and allowing me to rebirth myself.
Illness and disease calls for the awakening of the physician within.
My inner physician is activated.
I heal and inspire myself and others from the depths of my soul and heights of my spirit.
I prepare my body as a temple of God's love.
I am disciplined with  my self and soul care.
I continue to expand as a healer and lightworker.
I ground and anchor my spiritual experiences into the manifested reality.
I receive the proper support, as well as give it to others.
I release all codependent patterns.
My divinity is the Holy Grail.
My Higher Self is my Holy Guardian Angel.