Wednesday, January 2, 2019

JANUARY 2019: The Bigger Yes

“After the final no there comes a yes. And on that yes the future world depends. No was the night. Yes is this present sun.” ― Wallace Stevens

We often differentiate between "those who are on a spiritual path" and those who are not. The truth is that we are all walking this earth together and integrating the seen with the unseen worlds, learning and remembering how to be truly human, which is actually both spiritual and physical, whether we think we are on a spiritual path, or not. Challenges come to us all to integrate, either way.  It has been quite the journey for us all, whatever stage of the cycle we are experiencing. The difference here, is that when we are CONSCIOUSLY on a path of spiritual remembrance, we are actively and with intention invoking our own ability to recall things about ourselves, humanity and this creation that will unlock new vistas and unexplored, surprising aspects of our being that can unfold and create new dimensions of love and joy in our life... and allow us to evolve through the awareness of love.

"The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your actions will be."  - Dali Lama

Those who have remembered and recalled more of the true nature of being human, will be asked to assist and be of service to those who are still awakening. Many lightworkers are now going to be asked to become loveworker, too. For no longer is it just about revealing light or truth to the world for the sake of anything other than to bring greater, deeper, more profound expressions of love to this planet. Yet, those who remember are challenged to provide support while still allowing others to experience and bring forth their own light, through the processes and experiences of their own life and the power of their inner wisdom. That is what keeps it all real and that is what brings love to the light... and heaven to earth.

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James

Remembering our interconnectedness can't just happen when we are all getting along. Yet, it is true that we can break the circle of love and short-circuit our ability or desire to feel connected. That is very real. The way of the loveworker is to wield the Truth upon the Self, first and foremost. And first healing and holding the space for love to reveal itself within us.  Always asking, where is the love in this person, situation or experience. Where is love being blocked? How can we let more love in? Where is the love right now, without changing anything at all in this moment? This opens the way to unconditional love.

"Life shrinks or expands according to one's level of courage." - Unkown

Unconditional Love, or Agape, is an actual spiritual substance. Many have only experienced it in consciousness fleetingly... but it is available freely and without question.... however, we must have the eyes to see it, the ears to hear it and the heart to channel it. Because true love is far from just being a feeling. In fact, we can truly love someone and not even like them very much or have difficulty being around them. This is a call for greater unconditional love to the self, as well as an opportunity to hollow a deeper channel for love. For we can only hold as much unconditional love for others as we can hold for ourselves! In holding space for the unloveable in others, we learn to love ourselves and vice versa.

'Even if you abandon one idea for another one, saying yes allows you to move forward.' - Tina Fey

The new earth and the new age ushers in a time of the restoration of the soul, the magnetic feminine aspect of ourselves, that passionate synergy that unexplainably arises as a result of our appreciation of something or someone, as well as the electrical masculine which protects the sacred space. The ultimate union of love and light occurs when we remember our own divinity and we come together as kings and queens, royal servants of this creation. It is in this state of grace that we can create unimaginably, subtle, yet deeply profound inventions of love that bring magic, mystery, joy and abundance to every living thing in the universe. This is how we say Yes to the bigger picture, the journey of the divinity of humanity.

“I imagine that yes is the only living thing.” ― E.E. Cummings

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
January 06 - The Bigger Yes
January 13 - Trusting the Unknown
January 20 - Sacred Circle Altar - Illumination of the Soul
January 27 - Insisting on the Truth - Rev. Maribel Figueroa


I accept full responsibility for my life.
I surrender my intentions to my higher power.
I let love live through me as I open to my bigger YES.
I claim my shadow and embrace the gifts it holds for me.
I dance with my shadow and turn into the light.
I acknowledge the full spectrum of my beliefs with humor and grace.
I make intentions through the powers of humility and awareness.
I create sacred space for healing and enlightenment.
Whatever has happened in my life has brought me to here and now.
I step outside of time to heal and empower my life.
I work with alternate dimensions and states of consciousness
to move energy and manifest my destiny.
I continue to learn about and use spiritual tools to manage my energy.
I work with time in new and respectful ways.
I use the power of the earth, moon and planetary cycles to manifest and heal.
I look to my relationships, my higher self, guides
and guardians to show me what I cannot see.
I honor difficult relationships as teachers,
and am willing to release them into the light.
When I receive the lessons and messages from challenging situations
they miraculously shift into the light.
I purify my intentions through the powers of love, compassion and forgiveness.
I am moved into action on behalf of all creation.
I am guided by angels and spiritual teachers.
I actively engage and communicate with my higher self.
I am a being of light, created with the intention of pure love.
I am capable of transforming anything into love.
I am a vessel of light and my cargo is love.
Love is born through the light within me.
I step into the land of the living as I cross the shores of my soul.
I seize the glory and power of each new day.
I allow my bigger YES to guide my life.