Sunday, December 1, 2019

DECEMBER 2019: New Earth Rising

We have the great priviledge of being alive during the shifting of an age. Many of us remember hearing a very popular song from the 60's - it's refrain now passing out of the realm of art and entertainment into true life - for what we surely are witnessing is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, and its promise of peace and plenty.

“Even truth needs to be clad in new garments if it is to appeal to a new age.” - Georg Lichtenberg

Aquarius is the water bearer and is symbol is represented by a man pouring water out of a jug. Yet, Aquarius is an air element. It could be said that we are now entering a time, where our heads and our hearts will finally find greater connection and fuller expression. In a sense, this sign of the times is literally informing us that our enlightenment and our mental power is not complete without the magic of our heart and soul.

"If luck means being in the right place at the right time,…..being in the right place at the right time is actually all about being in the right state of mind."  - Richard Wiseman

We are looking at not just a shift in an astrological age, but truly a shift in consciousness. We have already been witnessing this shift. There has been an awakening of souls, some through spiritual emergency and crisis, and some through pure grace. However it comes, it is coming for anyone who can let go and get into the flow. Gary Zukav in his book, Seat of the Soul, reminds us that new multi-sensory aspects of the human condition are coming online for everyone. And it is what we choose to do with those upgrades to our ability to communicate with each other, with nature and with the Universe itself and the powers that be, that will tell the tale of our ability to create a golden age.

“To recognize one's own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence.”  ― Eckhart Tolle

Never before in the history of the planet has so very much of the world been able to directly communicate in the physical. This has changed everything and made things possible that would not have been possible. This rapid communication has actually affected time and has been and will continue to change the way we work with time. This has the potential to affect us in ways that we may not yet be able to comprehend. As the Mayans have been teaching us, time is to be respected and consciously worked with, including seasonal energies, cosmic and astrological forces, as well as our personal relationship with time and implications of an advanced means of relating to time.

“If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best.” ― Neale Donald Walsch

The earth is changing and so are we. As more and more people become conscious of the power of intent and actively communicating with the earth, the planets, nature, animals, guides and guardians, and of course each other, we must hold the space for the wisdom of the ages, the insights and the teachings that have rolled forward through humanity and the human condition to nourish and advance us. This is our soul's emergence on the planet and in the flesh.

“You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.”  ― Eckhart Tolle

There is still much to be done, and it is all a labor of love. For never before has there been so much hope for healing, enlightenment, joy, peace, abundance and love for so many. Even the possibility of the dawning of a new age has begun to have an impact on the way that many of us now see the world. For we are seeing with clearer vision, higher hopes and open hearts.  And so it is being re-membered how to walk the sacred way, the beauty way as we feel it in our bones, this New Earth Rising.

“Your life is your spiritual path.” ― Sandy Nathan

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
December 01 - New Earth Rising
December 08 - Darshan w/Sai Maa Naples Beach Hotel 11am (No church service on this day.)
December 15 - White Magic & Sacred Purpose
December 22 - Sacred Circle Altar - Winter Solstice - Christmas
December 24 - Christmas Eve Ceremony
December 29 - Be Here Now

New Earth Rising Affirmations
I am envisioning a new earth.
The new earth is filled with love, creativity and joy.
I face my fears and release the path of suffering.
I embrace the gift of life.
My joy is the joy of the world.
My peace brings peace to the world.
I honor and acknowledge my ancestors.
I understand the role my ancestors have played in my life and this creation.
I tap into the deep magic of creation.
I recognize my powers of manifestion.
I refine my connection to Spirit and to my own soul.
Through my heart connections I create my life in love.
I am filled with inspiration, creativity and solutions.
I see myself at the center of the universe.
When I find my medicine, my power, I am centered in my heart.
My heart is the gateway to my soul.
My soul is emerging.
The new earth energies are supporting our journey to bring heaven to earth.
I re-enter the garden of earthly delights
The manifestation of life is so that I can express and experience true love.
I make choices based in love.
I see all people, places and things through the eyes of love.
I take part in actively creating the New Earth.
I am Home.

Friday, November 1, 2019

NOVEMBER 2019: Restoring the Collective Soul

The time of the individual soul's renewal and restoration is upon us. But we have come to a deeper understanding of the collective soul, because in the process of the retrieval of our own soul... we have found each other. We are finding our tribes and diving deeper into true community.

The world is moving in such a way as to perfectly align with the timing of this re-birthing of our higher, deeper selves. We now have and actually have had, the support of the cosmos for the soul and consequently the spiritual emergence of our true being. We are rapidly becoming. And like all overnight successes, these changes within us have been hard won and a long time coming!

"You think the shadow is the substance. Every moment I shape my destiny with a chisel. I am the carpenter of my soul."- Rumi

But what does the new earth look like? How will we be different? What will change? The asking of questions is perhaps one of the most prominent hallmarks of the new age. The asking of a question is both masculine and feminine - perfectly balance if asked correctly and with true openness and humility. Once you start asking questions, you have truly begun to engage in the creation of your life through the power of your freed will. 

Honest inquiry is the first step to wholeness, with its infusion of innocence and wonder, putting a crack of light into our linear thought patterns, "know it all" boxed in approach, or just plain arrogance and ignorance. Questions are the key to the release of the stranglehold of the ego.

"Why am I seeking? I am the same as he. His essence speaks through me. I have been looking for myself. What you seek is seeking you." - Rumi

So now that you have truly begun an open inquiry, the call is to start listening, smelling and seeing... not just with the five senses, but with your spiritual senses, your intuition, your third eye and your deep insight. It is time to engage with the world through your multi-sensory self and activate the parts of you that can apprehend the hidden, magical inner workings of your own soul and the universe. 

Let the physical world begin a new kind of conversation with you. It is far more alive and responsive than you may truly realize, bridging both the spiritual/metaphysical and the physical worlds.  And when it begins to speak back to you, as you ask your questions, in ways that maybe only you can understand, you will be in awe of this living cosmos, as we realize that all things contain a spiritual essence.

"We are each others' search for what's between our mirrors. He is like a man using a candle to look for the sun." - Rumi

Soon after this type of communication is engaged, you may find yourself struggling with your thoughts and mental powers and wondering where "what you think" fits into this new mode and way of being. While there is no doubt that spiritual message can come through your mind and your thoughts, the practice of listening through all the spiritual senses relieves your mind of its former burden of being your sole informant (no pun intended). 

Your mind can now become in service to your soul, instead of the other way around. Prove it to yourself how beautiful it is to live as your soul. Let your soul come home. Give your soul, your spiritual senses, other intelligences and divine will a chance to inform your life.

"God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites so that you will have two wings to fly, not one." - Rumi

Once you live in the magic, you won't want to go back to linear life. Once the joy, the beauty and the bounty of this universe is more fully revealed to you, you won't be able to unsee what you have seen. The time is here to let time work for us. We will no longer be working for time. 

As we come to deeper and more profound revelations about who and what we truly are the soul comes alive we come into the center of our being where time and space are encapsulated by our soul. This places us in 5th dimensional consciousness. It makes us live! And as the soul comes alive, the Spirit is made flesh... and as the Spirit is made flesh... Heaven is upon the earth....

And when Heaven is upon the earth...there is true Love.

"Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness." - Rumii

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
November 03 - Healing the Collective Soul
November 10 - Creating Your Soul Space
November 17 - True Tribal Community - Rev. Maribel Figueroa
November 24 - Sacred Circle Altar - Thanksgiving Ceremony



I open to the language of my soul.
I am filled with the Light of the creator.
I resource myself with breath and light.
I take care of my body as an extension of my soul.
I clear and heal myself so that I can stand before others and mirror wholeness.
My wholeness is my perfection.
When I totally accept myself in the moment, I am whole.
Wholeness leads to wellness.
I heal myself and this world through my perfect love.
Love is patient.
I am devoted to the Light.
I am devoted to my soul.
I express my soul's desires.
What I seek is seeking me.
I am a mirror for the Light.
I become transparent to negativity and suffering.
I see the world through the eyes of compassion.
I am a witness to my own wholeness.
All is perfect in this moment.
I am guided moment by moment along the path of liberation.
I am free to choose love.
I raise my vibration with music and positive affirmations.
I live in the magic.
I allow my life to teach me how to love.
I love myself and I love others.
I am part of a greater whole.
As I heal myself I restore the Collective Soul.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

OCTOBER 2019: Ascending & Grounding

"Those who choose their destiny will be the heroes, the pioneers, the midwives and the mothers of the future." - Alberto Villoldo

Spiritual emergence is  the process by which we are coming home to our true nature. Some of us can feel the new earth values coming alive in our hearts. This is ascension with feet on  the ground. Humanity as a whole stands at the brink of  the momentous realization that heaven on earth may be possible, even as we realize that we still have work to do. We are also coming to realize what that is and how it looks, not as innocent children, but as breathing, living, maturing human beings who understand the potential and power of this creation.

As that power is realized, and our esteem and knowledge of self grows, not only do we learn about ourselves, we learn about the of everyone and everything. We see and experience the interconnectedness of all that is, all the time. We read energy and we see the shape of all things in the spirit. And we know that we have the power in our own hands and hearts and minds to get back into the garden.

"The new myths, the stories that we will teach our children and endow them with the will to live epic lives, must be forged, lived and told by us."- Alberto Villoldo

Most of us have a sense, even if we have never truly experienced it or only in fleeting moments, the power of the potential of this creation and that a very intrinsic part of this is the re-unification of the Creator. We have a longing for true community, but we have forgotten how to be with our tribe. To many, getting along with others without a tremendous amount of negativity and hurtfulness being present has been something only wished for, but never fully realized. But that was before so many people had shifted into the return back to the garden. The garden is quite simply the consciousness that believes and can clearly hold the vision that paradise can be restored to the earth. And that means that the potential for everything on this planet to live and grow in harmony has never been more possible.

We have an inkling of what this earth can evolve into, if we will stop for a moment and truly assess the situation outside of our own wounds and the trauma and drama that most of us have endured on this journey to build the world into the state that it is now. Some who can only see, yet, in segments may have quite a different view and find it not so easy to be hopeful. But those of us who can see and who know the power of our own mind and intentions, and this is important... also know that this universe is unfolding according to a divine plan... and this is even more important... that the intelligence that created this universe is part of us and we are a part of it... then everything is by our own design... not as mere individuals, but as emerging souls who represent the body of God, who have come here to claim our free will to create paradise and come into the perfection of our wholeness.

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”  ― Steve Jobs

It is in our coming together and opening up to the magnetizing force of Love that we can cross the abyss of our own fears and realize that heaven on earth can begin to manifest for us right here and now. We flow between being of service to ourselves, being of service to others and then eventually when our soul stalkings bring us to the altar of our hearts and what we truly love in our unique expression, we find that what we love serves the world and our joy is the worlds joy and what heals us, heals each other. It is in this space that we come to understand the power of our individuality and our own soul.

Achieving universal higher-state frequency is greatly accelerated as one more easily recognizes and claims their universe citizenship. - Crystal Tones

It is important to approach ourselves holistically, and especially since time is compressing due to our ability to communicate. The energy of time is much denser and can now be used as the tool it was intended to be like never before. While it is true that clock time and the apparent limitations that it can impose seems limiting, time has given us the ability to determine what is truly precious and worthy of our focus, attention and devotion. So, it is here in this space that we stand with these new eyes, taking the gift of time to help us get clear on what we love... and it is through what we love that our soul emerges!

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi

True tribal community is where paradise is found. The memory of paradise is kept under the guardianship of our Native American Grandfathers and Grandmothers, the wisdomkeepers, who remind us that when we each know who we are, and we find our joy, then we can take our true place of honor in the community and bring glory and honor to our family, our community and to this creation. Soul's purpose expressed in beauty and creativity and joy is how we are in service to the whole, and is how we meet in tribal community. The power of ritual and ceremony in communion with our geographical tribe is what gives us the ability to be strong enough within our own ranks to truly bless the world. No longer reacting and surviving, we create our lives out of love and honor.

It is time for change, time to allow our wings to spread and to allow our soul's expression to take flight. It is in the very act of flight, our reaching out for and our movement toward what we love that draws it to us. As above, so below... Let this be...Paradise found... created. It's time to GO LIVE!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
October 06 - Ascending & Grounding
October 13 - Being Your Soul
October 20 - Getting Used to Great
October 27 - The Power of Group Diversity - Rev. Maribel Figueroa

Ascending & Grounding Affirmations
My soul is emerging.
I am becoming the Light of My Soul.
I come into a more holistic understanding of my true nature.
As I care for my spirit and soul, I heal my energy and therefore my body.
I draw all my energy back into myself now, so that I choose how to spend it.
I collect up my power of choice and step even more fully into free will.
I take 100% responsibility for my own life.
I take 100% responsibility to do my part to bring heaven to earth.
I am gathering strength and courage daily to be my true self.
I am discovering my higher self and the true nature of being human.
Light is my medium and Love is the binding force for my creations.
I release addictions and attachment now in order to create the real thing.
I allow myself to experience and create true love in all aspects of my life.
My love is my Guide and Guardian.
Time helps me to prioritize and focus on bringing true love into my life.
As I bring true love into my life, I make heaven on earth.
My Joy brings Joy to the World.
My Peace brings Peace to the World.
My Love brings Love to the World.
My Light brings Light to the World
I am the change I wish to see in the world.
I continue to open to ever deeper levels of truth and light.
I am kind and gentle with myself and others as we grow together.
As I give my soul a voice, my spirit emergences in this world.
I am ascending with feet on the ground.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

SEPTEMBER 2019: Seeds of Life

“Cause and effect, means and ends, seed and fruit cannot be severed; for the effect already blooms in the cause, the end preexists in the means, the fruit in the seed.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
September 01 - Seeds of Life: The Gift of Emergence
September 08 - Embracing the Life of a Mystic
September 15 - Grow &  Glow - Rev. Maribel Figueroa
September 22 - Fall Equinox - Peace Day in the Park - Universal Medicine Wheel Ceremony 10am-5pm
September 29 - Bloom Where You are Planted


I accept the beauty of my journey.
My story is woven into the very fabric of life.
I walk this earth in a sacred manner.
I let my light shine.
I help others to shine their light.
What I love will help and heal the world.
The universe is waiting for me to fully engage in life!
When I am joyfully creating, I bring the vibration of joy to all.
My gratitude and appreciation brings a glow to my heart.
I look for creative ways to express my gratitude.
My love is my art.
Time stands still when I am creating from my heart.
I have the courage to try new things.
I do what I think I cannot do.
I face my life with positivity and excitement.
I embrace the unknown and open to the Great Mystery.
I am in awe at the miracles that unfold in my life when I trust.
I allow love to live through me.
When I surrender to my soul, I come alive!
I plant new seeds of love and light in my life.
I enjoy the time I spend planting and preparing as much as I will enjoy the fruits of my labors of love.
The more I live in the present moment, the more I enjoy the journey.
I am opening to ever greater perceptions of spirit.
As I open my spiritual senses I see even more beauty all around me.
As I enjoy the fruits of my creations I look for ways to share and collaborate with others.
Every good deed, kind thought, creative endeavor is an intangible seed of life planted in my heart.
I plant the seeds of my life in a good way.
I am the star seed of life.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

AUGUST 2019 : Soul Feast

The darkness of our world awaits you -- not to engulf you, but to be transformed by you. ~ Neale Donald Walsch

We are all feeling it. The possibilities of an age of peace, enlightenment, artistry, creativity, unity in diversity, true appreciation for the earth and for the human condition can feel a bit like a fairy tale come true. Some of us are finally seeing how it is even possible to enjoy the journey, and not focus on the destination.  Can you imagine how sad we must have been to have to compete and bump up against each each other in order to reveal our unique soul's purpose to ourselves?

We had to individuate, as this was and is our fate, but our true destiny is to re-unite and bring our great I AM presence back to the whole to honor each other. Humanity has finally "earned" through its own innovations, creations and evolution to come back into the garden.... and the garden is right here and right now ... on earth... with each other.

Truth be told, more people than ever before in the history of the world have the ability to find their tribe... to find their kindred spirits and to become empowered spheres of influence in their own right. This is the legacy of creators gods and goddesses in the making. It is our birthright to step into the glory of the work of a true creator.

Like our maker who was so patient with this work in progress called humanity, we must also extend this grace to ourselves, as we continue to emerge and evolve our higher selves into being. Could it just be that this new era of social consciousness is both too good and true?

"You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings." - Unknown

Although these new sensories, skills and ways of being are not without their own set of new rules and potentials, as well as pitfalls, the vast majority of the way has been cleared for both lift off and a grounding of this new energy. The antidote for any discomfort as we acclimate is to continue to do our clearing and recovery work so that we can come into complete integrity with ourselves and others.

This transparency that is phasing in, after all, is what we've wanted all along. For true intimacy and co-creation requires a measure of vulnerability that we may not have felt safe enough to express. To truly be seen we must reveal what is in our hearts. We must be strong within ourselves to reveal our tender hearts to each other and to the world. In the new earth, our love is our boundaries and our protection is our love.... and the artful expression of our life's purpose... whatever that may look like, even as it changes and grows.

“It is now your responsibility to nourish the qualities that are in you to create the luminous and glorious life that you desire. From your heart, radiate all this Love for humanity. Share your Joy.” - Sai Maa

A new age of originality and creativity is upon us, a renaissance of the highest order, giving license to the individual to shine on the world stage right in the comfort of our own hometown. Now we live locally, but think globally. Literally, the world is our oyster. We can have the best of both worlds and find that this duality is merging to form a synergistic blend of all that is good and right. The eternal will to good makes manifest delight and joy in our lives now. It is time to feast on life with a grateful heart that is in love to be alive.

We must move forward now, even as some still suffer. For we truly know that misery loves company, which means that any subscription to that channel keeps it alive. This does not mean that we ignore the suffering of others, and the systems that are up for change. On the contrary, our creative solutions have never been more necessary. For this new earth won't respond to force. It is our power that we must source to create heaven on earth by our own action.

So let your light shine, for yourself, for your family, for your tribe and for the world. After all...It's what we came for. The abundant, victorious life, the ability to thrive and not just survive is our next step on our human journey. As we feast on life, we fill our cup, and as we do this we must come to a sort of trust that through our innate programming to share and experience fulfillment as we see others thrive, too, that we are not the selfish separate selves we once thought we were. Let us continue to walk each other home to our hearts and souls and to each other.

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
August 04 - Soul Feast: Surviving to Thriving
August 11 - The Original Angel
August 18 - Time, Talent and Purpose
August 25 - Sacred Circle Sunday

I seek to know and accept myself.
My perceived shortcomings are also my greatest strength.
My reason for being is divine.
I open myself to right livelihood.
I am a multi-dimensional being and can access ever high realms of consciousness.
I break with all illusion about the power of being human.
I set my soul free and reveal the grandest version of myself.
I take guided action to realize my dreams.
I visualize and write down my perfect day, week, month and year.
I mentor and help others to realize their dreams.
I am a walking inspiration.
I perform anonymous and random acts of kindness consistently.
I am open to making new friends.
I am a teacher, leader and healer of humanity and the earth.
I breathe life into my dreams.
I recognize the need for rest, relaxation and play.
I treat my soul luxuriously.
I am kind, loving and generous to myself.
I get into the flow of abundant living.
I accept all good things into my life and freely give to others the same.
I tend my own vibration with consciousness and care.
I observe my relationships and surroundings for clues about hidden messages from my subconscious.
I allow the wild, creative energy of my soul to come forward.
I trust that my body and mind are loving containers for my soul.
I give my heart's desires a forum for expression.
I invoke the Empress and Emperor within to empower my life with grace.
I live to love.
I experience the infusion of my soul into my being.
I am the light of my soul and my soul is alive.
I am free to love the world just by being me.
My life is a feast for my soul to thrive.

Monday, July 1, 2019

JULY 2019: Freedom and Joy

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."  - John F. Kennedy

Joy, peace, fulfillment, cooperation, collaboration, harmony, unity, purpose, passion, sacredness, connection, creativity, divinity, gratitude and love... these are the things in life that lie beneath the surface and drive the silent stream of our most basic and ancient longing. We think we want things, but what we really want is the freedom to experience our life with these intangible gifts.

So what if we were to focus our thoughts, desires and intentions on the creation of these truly soul-quenching delights.. on these things that cannot be bought? Do you think that being that intrinsically satisfied from our inner being, from our soul would have an effect on our earthly manifestations? Or do you still think that we have to, strictly speaking, Think to grow rich? Don't we need to feel, too?

 "Everything in the Universe is within you." - Rumi

The Law of Attraction certainly does require that we feel and in fact it feeds off of our gratitude... the water that makes that garden grow is our very appreciation. But appreciation cannot be faked, and gratitude that is shamed out of us is probably most useful as an indicator of how disconnected from source that we are. True gratitude is an almost instantaneous, often overflowing feeling of appreciation and a deep laying in of knowledge of our blessedness. So how do we open ourselves up to more gratefulness and deeper appreciation? We open our eyes to the joys of the "free stuff"... like air for instance. Air has much to teach about both freedom and creation.

The power of the breath is unparalleled. It is the divine primordial template for abundance. We breathe in, receiving life sustaining oxygen and spirit/prana or chi, as some call it... then we breathe out, releasing the by product of what no longer serves us out into the earth's atmosphere which converts it to another form of energy. So the key is in receiving, what is freely available to us. That is the building block of all creation.

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." - Epictetus

We often, however, forget about how important the out breath is to the whole manifestation process. The Secret didn't really let us in on the other secret, that you often will need to make room and let go of things once you start asking for other things. The universe will only let us hoard for so long. Then just like any other bottleneck of energy, its time will come for release... one way or another. If you want to paint your room red, you're going to have give up those white walls.

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." - Thornton Wilder

It is important to note that surrendering to delight can often be fraught with peril, because our innocence of this process can keep us from being grateful for the removal of what is blocking us from our deeper desire. For example if you wanted more joy or more peace something curious might happen... you might get a good dose of just the opposite. Why do think that might be? That's easy. So you can notice it, see the source and do something about it! That's why! For heaven sakes, the universe is a magical manifestation machine, not a miracle worker. You and your inner magician are the miracle worker!

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein

The universe is your echo chamber, your playground to build your world, your canvas to create love, your laboratory to invent more realizations of beauty, more ways to connect, to share, to grow, your theater to sing, dance and play... to use your immense power from our creator wisely and maybe even a bit wildly. It's time to dream and manifest your state of being, even more so than your state of having or doing, for it is from the soul space of your being that you can create your world even beyond what you can now imagine. It's time to activate your best and highest ideals of your Self by allowing the soulful desires of your heart to bring you to the place of absolute delight in your life.

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
July 07 - Sacred Circle Altar - Freedom and Joy
July 14 - United We Stand in Diversity
July 21 - Surrender to the New Earth Vision with Rev. Maribel Figueroa
July 28 - Manifesting Our Collective Soul

Freedom and Joy Affirmations
I am free to be myself.
I have the courage and strength to claim my free will.
I align my will with the will of my higher self.
My soul has been set free.
I practice freedom, by tending to my soul.
I love life and life loves me.
I am free to fulfill my destiny.
My boundaries and clear communication create a safe space.
I am a force for good to be reckoned with.
I am free to make mistakes.
The universe is conspiring on my behalf.
It is by my purified and unified will that I set my mind in motion.
I gladly pay the price for freedom through the eternal vigilance of the desires of my soul.
I set myself free.
I am free to express from the deepest parts of my being.
I am all for one and one for all.
I surrender to my soul which leads me to the light.
The will of my mind, the will of my body, the will of my soul are one with the will of God.
I allow the phoenix within me to rise up out of the ashes.
I step into my highest calling.
I remember who and what I am.
I give myself permission to re-enter the garden.
My body is a vehicle for freedom.
My life is to be lived for the actualization of my dreams.
I dream myself awake to all that I am.
I choose life and I honor that choice.
I take great joy in the living of my Life.
I am free to fulfill my destiny.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Crystal Skulls Meditation

 You are invited to come and experience the energy and inspiration of Marguerite Pizzati and her very special collection of Crystal Skulls. Come and journey with the Crystal Skulls in the beautiful sanctuary and sacred space at Church of Spiritual Light. You will be able to touch and commune with the skulls, as well as connect with them in a guided meditation. Saturday, August 10th, 6:30pm Donation: $25

Hosted by Church of Spiritual Light 1939 Park Meadows Dr. #1, Ft. Myers, FL 33907

JUNE 2019: Courage to Love

"The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom." - Osho

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
June 02 - Courage to Love
June 09 - Courage, Strength & Confidence
June 16 - Let Love Live - Church in Circle - Father's Day
June 23 - Heart Healing - Summer Solstice
June 30 - Coming Together

In the West on the medicine wheel we gain the courage, strength and confidence to enter the unknown element of soul. This place within us is the part of us where the field of pure potential resides. As we sit in this aspect of ourselves on the wheel, it is like a visionquest for every cell of our body. It is a brave call for something beyond our meager imagining to come forth, so that we can continue to change and grow as a human being, and to be in a new, old way.

"Buddha has actually called it the lion's roar. When a man reaches an absolutely silent state he roars like a lion. For the first time he knows what freedom is because now there is no fear of anybody's opinion. What people say does not matter. Whether they call you a saint or a sinner is immaterial; your whole and sole judge is God. And by 'God' a person is not meant at all, God simply means the whole universe." - Osho

Courage, strength and confidence are the stepping stones to our future selves. It is important to understand this process of growth and to realize the heirarchy of our spiritual evolution. For courage builds strength, and strength builds confidence. Often we forget that confidence must be built, even earned. Just as we might lift weights to build muscular strength, so too, must we exercise our options to build confidence. In other words, the more we courageously venture into the unknown, the stronger we become, the better prepared we are to take risks, the more confident we become.

Notice that confidence and comfort are not the same things. In many ways our confidence level is directly related to our perception of our ability to handle the unknown. So if miracles of manifestation lie outside of what is known to us, then how could we consider making this a routine part of our lives, and not just some leap of faith that we take every now and again as we muster the courage, or more likely life and our soul stalk us to move into the void?

"It is not a question of having to face a person; you have to face the trees, the rivers, the mountains, the stars -- the whole universe. And this is our universe, we are part of it. There is no need to be afraid of it, there is no need to hide anything from it. In fact, even if you try you cannot hide. The whole knows it already, the whole knows more about you than you know." - Osho

One of the best ways that I know of to teach ourselves about what we are really made of, to help us continuously access the depths of our being, and to access great assistance in the realm of pure possibility is the medicine wheel. When you journey on the wheel, you first build faith in the presence of unseen forces of light through the courageous act of humility. One could say that the very first leap of faith of the fool to venture into the unknown is where courage begins on the wheel. As one becomes a seasoned traveler however, the awareness of the magician within, and a whole cast of characters, magical beings and divine helpers come to the fore, and we are strengthened for the journey by our deep awareness that we are not alone, in many senses of the word.

"The ground of fearlessness is fear. In order to become fearless you have to stand in the middle of your fear." - Osho

Much like the story of the Wizard of Oz, the hero's journey reveals the deep magic that lies within, and this begins to outpicture in our lives. People, places, situations and scenarios will play out to call into awareness what is within. Then something amazing happens, we start to be able to navigate in the dark, through the signs and symbology of the events of our life. And we are no longer the victim of circumstance, karma or fate. As soon as we get our shaman's eyes, and develop the ability to track our lives, to see the experiences of our lives through higher dimensions, it is as if an invisible light comes on and we can access greater information. It is in that moment that we truly realize that we are creating all of it.

"Never think in terms of being free from; always think in terms of being free for. And the difference is vast, tremendously vast. Don't think in terms of from -- think for. Be free for God, be free for truth, but don't think that you want to be free from the crowd, free from the church, free from this and that. You may be able to go far away one day, but you will never be free, never. It is going to be some sort of suppression." - Osho

Courage, strength and confidence come from within. But the process and experience of life is designed to give us what we need to pull what is within "out" into the world. The reason for this is that above all we are destined to create. Being fruitful and multiplying is not just about procreation of other human beings... it is an all encompassing command to be abundant, to improve your lot, to advance and grow... and ultimately to evolve right through the door of the unknown, the great mystery of our own soul... to become fully human.

If we can imagine something into existence one time, it can be done a hundred thousand times. The truth is, that we have already imagined a great many things into existence. The imaginal realm is very real. In meditation and journeywork sometimes people ask, how do I know that I am not imagining it? The answer is that you are! Yet there is a great question that must be asked. Why, out of all the things your could have imagined did you choose that? And "who" was it that chose that? Exploring these questions almost always bears fruit. These are most often treasures pulled up from the deep, clues about your unique individuality and purpose.

"The crowd is not the problem -- you are the problem. The crowd is not pulling you -- you are being pulled, not by somebody else but by your own unconscious conditioning. Always remember not to throw the responsibility somewhere on somebody else, because then you will never be free of it. Deep down it is your responsibility. Why should one be so much against the crowd? Poor crowd! Why should you be so much against it? Why do you carry such a wound?" - Osho

Sometimes we discover that the soul is tossing us clues through our dreams, imaginings and visions about what is hidden inside of us. It is even possible to tap into the visions and dreams of each other. It is also possible for each of us to have a similar dream, a memory, or a calling that is so strong, that even if we don't realize it, we magnetize ourselves to each other through this common dream. It is then that we truly begin to understand the reality of the realities within the unconscious, and the great hidden powers that are available to us, upon this discovery.

This realization is the ultimate courage bringer. For in this we begin to see our purpose and remember who we really are. And we begin to recognize each other, and much like in the Wizard of Oz, there is a homecoming, and a newfound ability to reunify with lost aspect of ourself, and a discovery of strength we didn't know we had. This in turn gives us the confidence to continue to build our dreams, to seek out a vision, to allow our soul group both within and without to come forth and move together as one. This oneness, this reunification is our heart of hearts. It is here, in this space that we can live inside the gap, the tao of our heart, regularly and routinely living in the fifth dimensional holy, whole sacred space of a life lived loving like God/dess loves.


Courage to Love Affirmations

I build confidence by actively engaging in my inner and outer life.
I explore my inner world through contemplation and reflection.
My practice of contemplation involves writings from my soul.
I allow my soul to reveal my own depth to me through writing.
I contemplate my writing through reflection and divination.
Divination is a contemplative art that allows me to speak with my soul.
As I become more aware of my soul I am better able to communicate.
My soul is a great mysterious being, and I open to that mystery.
I offer myself up to the great mystery of my soul.
I allow my life to be an expression of my soul.
As I express my own soul, I relieve the world of it's soulessness.
I am connected to web of souls.
My I AM presence alights my soul.
I have the courage to be myself.
I have the strength to be me.
I have the confidence to enter the unknown aspects of my self.
As I entertain my soul, I bring joy to the world.
I allow my second sight and my spiritual perceptions to increase my faith.
As I see more, my faith becomes knowledge.
As I experience more of life, my knowledge becomes wisdom.
As I experience my life in wisdom, I am filled with understanding.
As I am filled with understanding, I am free from judgment.
As I am free from judgment, I allow the energy to flow.
When energy is flowing, There is room for miracles.
I have the courage to hold sacred space and entertain the void of the unknown.
I am reborn each time I face a fear.
The way out is through.
Outside of my comfort zone lie miracles and magic.
I work with the medicine wheel to help me navigate through the void.
The medicine wheel provides the mysterious platform on which to access the deep magic of life.
As I build my life on the platform of the medicine wheel, I lay the groundwork for my ascension.
As my consciousness ascends, I have a top down view and a higher perspective.
The medicine wheel helps me to maintain a view of all perspectives.
The medicine wheel helps me to assemble my dream team both within and without, as I honor all aspects of myself.
I travel this life with courage, strength and confidence.
Courage, strength and confidence allow me to take even greater risks to open to even greater love.
I have the courage to love like God/dess loves.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Sai Maa Diksha Initiation

You are cordially invited to the Sai Maa Pure Light (Diksha) Initiation Ceremony on May 12th, Sunday afternoon 5-7pm at Church of Spiritual Light, 1939 Park Meadows Dr, Fort Myers, FL 33907. There is suggested donation of $25 to cover expenses, part of which will be donated back to Sai Maa's organization Humanity in Unity. The ceremony will be conducted by Rev. Renee Bledsoe.

After the initiation you will be a part of the spiritual lineage of Sai Ma and able to both give and receive the Pure Light Diksha Blessing.

“A Community without the tradition of Diksha is like a desert.  Only by wisdom can we understand how to make our life holy and sanctified. This wisdom itself is known as Diksha.” ~ Sai Maa

The Sanskrit word Diksha comes from the root da, to give plus ksi, to destroy and therefore is the process that bestows transcendental, spiritual knowledge while at the same time destroying the seeds of ignorance.  Many Great Masters have offered Diksha in many different forms however, Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi has brought us a simple, systematic approach that can be easily learned and offered by everyone.  We call this Sai Maa Pure Light Diksha.

We are entering a remarkable time for the world, unlike any other in recorded history.  There is a Great Shift, a universal transformation taking place that will propel humankind from doubt and confusion, into a Golden Age of Joy, Peace and Understanding.  Powerful new energies are being generated and radiated throughout the world.  Great blessings are being showered upon us.

Sai Maa tells us that the most effective tool to take full advantage of these Divine Gifts is the practice of giving and receiving Diksha.  This Pure Energy and Light begins a process of dynamic change, activating our dormant spiritual powers, releasing all that no longer serves us, opening the path to Enlightenment.

Sai Maa Diksha is the physical transference of Divine Light directly into the brain. It is a hands-on technique whereby the giver places his/her hands on the receiver's head and allows this Divine Light to flow directly into the brain, initiating the process of enlightenment by illuminating the mid-brain where our densest patterns and memories are stored.

Each one of us is born with the seeds of Divine light, love, wisdom and peace no matter what our life experience. Diksha cleanses the fear-based patterns that keep us from revealing and experiencing our Light thus enabling us to live as our true essence

In an unprecedented gesture of generosity, Sai Maa is freely offering this magnificent gift to the world.  If you are ready to bring Sai Maa Diksha to your friends and family, ready to train others and to be an active participant in the Great Shift, the following information is available to support you.

This Pure Energy and Light begins a process of dynamic change, activating our dormant spiritual powers, releasing all that no longer serves us, opening the path to Enlightenment.  Different spiritual lineages offer different intentions with their Diksha. Sai Maa Diksha is the initiation of bliss; bliss being an aspect of Enlightenment.

Click here to read more about Sai Maa Diksha

Munay-Ki Rite Transmission 1-9

'The Munay-Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into being."  - Alberto Villoldo, Founder

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a period of great transformation, and foretell of a new human appearing on the planet – persons of wisdom and power who live free of fear and abide in their eternal nature, Homo luminous.

The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past-the karmic & genetic programs and beliefs you inherited.  They re-inform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

The Munay Ki Rites 1-9 are given in order as follows:

2019 Summer Schedule
May 23  - 1st Rite  Thursday 6:30pm
May 30  - 2nd Rite  Thursday 6:30pm
June 13 - 3rd Rite  Thursday 6:30pm
June 27 - 4th Rite  Thursday 6:30pm
July 11 - 5th Rite  Thursday 6:30pm
July 26 - 6th Rite  Thursday 6:30pm
Aug 08 - 7th Rite  Thursday 6:30pm
Aug 22 - 8th Rite  Thursday 6:30pm
Aug 29 - 9th Rite  Thursday 6:30pm

The charge for each rite is $30 (donated to space)
The cost of your Shamanic Pi Stone is $8. The rites must be given in order.

Those of you that have traveled the medicine wheel journey's will find these rites extremely complimentary and compatible with the work that you have accomplished in your Addiction Alchemy Universal Medicine Wheel journeys.

The rites are given by Rev. Renee Bledsoe. Please RSVP via email to or call 239-560-6314

“We have been the keepers of rites that usher in who we are becoming as a people, as a planet. These processes are not only for the Indians, but for the entire world." 
                                        – Don Manuel Quispe to Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

Rite One: Healer’s Rite
Connects you to a lineage of luminous healers from the past to assist you in your personal transformation, awakening the healing power so that everyone you touch is blessed. We access tremendous spiritual assistance; ancient healers who help heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors.

Rite Two: Bands of Power
Five energy belts are woven into your luminous energy field (LEF) for protection. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energies that come toward you into one of the five elements, earth, air, fire, water and light, feeding your LEF instead of allowing those energies to make you sick.

Rite Three: Harmony Rite
A transmission of the 7 Archetypes into the Chakras. First you receive the archetypes of serpent, jaguar, hummingbird and eagle; next you receive three archangels: the Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious), the Keeper of the Middle World (our waking world), and the Protector of the Upper World (our super-conscious).

Rite Four: Seer’s Rite
Pathways of light connect the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.

Rite Five: Daykeeper’s Rite
You connect to a lineage of master healers from ancient times. Daykeepers can call on ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth, and on the sun to rise each day, bringing us into harmony with mother Earth. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.

Rite Six: Wisdomkeeper’s Rite
You connect to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future. This rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, and taste infinity.

Rite Seven: Earthkeeper’s Rite
This rite connects you to the archangels that are guardians of our solar system, stewards of all life on Earth. It lifts you from your earth-bound existence and sets your spirit free to begin your journey to the stars -beginning with the sun, our local star- so you may dream your world into being.

Rite Eight: Starkeeper’s Rite
This rite helps your physical body to evolve into Homo Luminous; the aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease. You accept the seat around a holy fire at the center of the Sun, a place that has been held for you since the beginning of time.

Rite Nine: Creator Rite
As it awakens the Creator-light within, this rite brings stewardship for all creation -from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies. Once you discover that Spirit not only works through you but AS YOU, and all of creation is happening inside you, the stewardship then becomes natural.

As you work with the germination of these rites you’ll be touched and blessed by angels. You simply need to open yourself to the wisdom of the Earthkeepers, and all will be bestowed upon you.

MAY 2019: True Abundance, True Love

“You are truly wealthy when you have something that money cannot buy." - Unknown

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
May 05 - True Abundance, True Love
May 12 - Church in Circle - Mother's Day [Rev. Maribel Figueroa]
May 19 - Prosperity Consciousness
May 26 - Soul Power

Please join in person or in spirit. If you cannot come to our sacred space in the physical but would like to connect YOU CAN do so! Just stop and take some time right where you are on Sunday morning and tune into our soul channel... light a candle, burn some incense, read something inspirational, observe a moment of silence and meditate.


I think few would disagree that the first abundance is love. But what do most of us really know of the true nature of love? Most of us have spent a lifetime learning what love is not. Now the challenge is on to really take ourselves individually, and as a whole to the next levels of love. Our poverty will not uplift, enrich, support or create life. But our poverty observed has the potential to enlighten and teach us, and destroy belief systems surrounding lack and limitation, and allow ourselves to receive and create a life of true abundance, filled with love and blessings.

“Life in abundance comes only through great love.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

Throughout our lives love takes many forms, assumes many faces, and takes us places both inwardly and outwardly that stretch and grow us. Always opening us to experience the unloveable, to allow us to create the space for true love and true abundance to enter our hearts, and infuse our lives.When we realize and truly open to the absolute abundance of love, it has no choice but to outpicture in our lives. As we fill our daily existence with more expressions and opportunities to show love the universe responds. Lack is released and old belief systems about love, spirituality and religion, divinity, sexuality, partnership, friendship and prosperity start to shift and move, quake beneath our feet.

"Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

When we realize and truly open to the absolute abundance of love, it has no choice but to outpicture in our lives. As we fill our daily existence with more expressions and opportunities to show love the universe responds. Lack is released and old belief systems about love, spirituality and religion, divinity, sexuality, partnership, friendship and prosperity start to shift and move, quake beneath our feet.

"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." - Wayne Dyer

As we come to the realization that we are love, by practicing the art of love, new ideas and needs come into play that support the desire to release limiting beliefs, most especially about money. Money seems to be the paper equivalent of dynamite. If we hold and handle it correctly, with consciousness, care and respect, it can be utilized to great effect... but one false move... and boom.... total devastation. As with all things of great power this is true. Yet, if we kill the messenger, we never get the message. So what is the message of money?

“People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of win-lose. There is only so much; and if someone else has it, that means there will be less for me. The more principle-centered we become, the more we develop an abundance mentality, the more we are genuinely happy for the successes, well-being, achievements, recognition, and good fortune of other people. We believe their success adds to…rather than detracts from…our lives.” ~ Stephen R. Covey

As we heal our relationship with money, and understand the energetics behind the paper and metal, we realize that we have been practicing with real world playthings that allow us to see how we are handling our dynamite... before it could blow us to bits. And some of us do get blown to bits, and in the process are released from the stranglehold of the little ego and the cosmic belief systems that have come to be attached to the money wound.

"Abundance doesn't follow giving until giving becomes its own reward." -Jan Denise

Money, like all things of great potential  tempts and calls us out like nothing else, with the exception of sex. Yet, we cannot blame the temptor. For if we do, we fall prey to the perpetuation of the old belief systems that say that money is bad, sex is bad and as Neale Donald Walsch says.... having alot of anything is bad. Inherently this is both true and false. It is a paradox. For we are really handing it to ourselves, testing ourselves and working with our ability to release our selfish separate selves that are driven by lack.

"The universe operates through dynamic exchange… giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. and in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives." ~Deepak Chopra

Our soul's are stalking us. The different aspects of ourselves are weighing in, counterbalancing and allowing us to attenuate the expression of our soul in the physical. So the truth is that while you are lost in lack and fear, you may well stay there... or by sheer force of will manhandle your way to apparent wealth. But the underlying energies of lack will remain no matter what has outpictures. For we do have the ability to work our will through the distortion of whatever belief system we are running it through.

“The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little.” ~ Ben Sweetland

As we continue to learn our lessons about proper energy management, and continue to open up to the glory of our own soul, we will ultimately begin to find our place, amongst our people, the world, and the entire cosmos. When we open up to the limitlessness of our souls, we find that the soul and the spirit are not bound up in lack. Yes, the soul may throw limitation your way, but it is largely for purposes of exploration and learning. When the soul's expression comes to meet the desire to receive in order to share, a very big portal and vortex of power begins to open within the mind, body, heart and soul connection to Spirit. And suddenly one day through this new, high and vital energy our perception shifts, and we realize that the Light, God or Higher Powers, Love and Money are all connected.

“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” ~ Buddha

As the realization unfolds and we actually perceive this not only inwardly, but outwardly, as well,our earthly possessions of all forms, including our money, our talents, our work, our energy, our light and our love go back from whence they came, and our absolute desire is to use the great gifts we've been given, in service to the Light and to bring even more love, joy, abundance and peace, creativity to the planet.  Furthermore, we come to the realization that our abundance was always there, and that all we have done is released the belief systems of lack and limitation, not because we've been wrong... but because we are ready to do more, take on more response-ability to bring love, and to allow ourselves to belong to the world.

This is true love... and that is true abundance. We do not attract what we want, we attract what we are. The power that is within us is beyond our conscious grasp, early in our human development. But when it is time to fly and we find our compassion and love for life has given our heart wings.


May Affirmations
I see all the blessings that are bestowed upon me.
When I can see my blessings, I am grateful.
I do the work to see the light in my life.
It is my hearts desire to connect with the light of my soul.
The light of my soul guides me to my true calling.
My true calling knows no lack or limitation.
I no longer see limitation as lack.
I fill my heart with love and peace.
As I create with my hands my life is infused with creativity.
My creativity allows for positive expression.
I send blessings for the abundance of the world.
I am happy for others who are abundant.
I feel abundant in the Spirit.
I allow the abundance of Spirit to enter my heart.
As the abundance of Spirit enters my heart I am overflowing with love.
I open to more creative and responsible ways to express my soul and serve the world.
I am a New World Server who brings the Light and the Love of Creator to the earth.
As we formulate, invent, and create new energy becomes available to us all.
Our creations are connected.
When I am creative, I silently give others permission to create.
I am abundant in all things needful, both spiritual and material.
I am open to receiving what is necessary to continue in my life's mission.
My life mission and my purpose are important to us all.
As I step into my life purpose, I am instantly abundant.
I give to others that which I value in my life.
I activate the desire to receive in order to share.
I turn my physical bounty into spiritual gold.
As my purpose is realized I become responsive to the needs of my mission.
Generosity of Spirit and Gratitude for life is my True Abundance.
My abundance is backed in spiritual gold.
I am filled with True Abundance.

Monday, April 1, 2019

APRIL 2019: Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.-Black Elk

No one is an island. We are all in this together. We are connected. Even if we understand these things to be true from a spiritual perspective, as well as the physical, how do we reconcile our loneliness in a world full of 7 billion people? There is a big difference in "knowing" that we are interconnected, and living as if we are. That is where the rubber meets the road.

"And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people as one of many hoops that made one circle." - Black Elk

We are all craving something we cannot name in our relationships, a warmth, a closeness, an intimacy. Yet, often when we have made ourselves vulnerable in this way, we were hurt, abused or ignored. This had the effect of closing our hearts down for a time, until the pain of a closed heart became more painful than opening up again and risking letting others in. Or, when others opened up to us we hurt them, even inadvertently because we didn't understand how vulnerable they felt. In relationships where people are not taking responsibility for their own feelings either way, this leads to the inevitable shutdown, because we do not know what true intimacy looks like, and certainly do not yet possess a healthy sense of self. After all part of our journey here is to learn how to love.

“One can acquire everything in solitude except character.” ― Stendhal

Conversely enough, since we exist relationally, we cannot get a sense of self without the contrast of each other. So as we go into pseudo relationship, pretending to be connected, but truly not we still do not learn how to love.  For we are very busy blaming other people for our relationships and forgetting that we are the common denominator in every single one of our relationships. Sometimes we are fortunate, with enough practice, to see a pattern emerging. When that happens we have the opportunity to understand that our whole process in relationship has not been some random propensity for isolation and suffering, but to introduce us to lost parts of our psyche. When we can clearly see this and make these connections there is a true softening of the heart and a coming to compassion for what has been at work in our lives.

“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” ― Kurt Vonnegut

We must remember that what occurs in the 1% or 3 dimensional/ physical aspect of our lives is giving us clues about what is going on in the 99% or unseen aspects. If we are to bring heaven to earth in our relationships, we must realize that there is a great unknown that wants to be revealed here through the mystery of our relationships. For, we did not come here to get lost in a one on one relationship and never experience the depths of love that come from loving humanity and this creation as passionately as we do our lover. Our soul will not let us rest until we love God/dess and have a real relationship with our divinity and our creator. Therefore apparent separation has been a part of our soul's evolution... and could be thought of at this stage as more of an involution, or the inward enfolding of the heart becoming centered from within.

“Lovers must not, like usurers, live for themselves alone. They must finally turn from their gaze at one another back toward the community. If they had only themselves to consider, lovers would not need to marry, but they must think of others and of other things. They say their vows to the community as much as to one another, and the community gathers around them to hear and to wish them well, on their behalf and its own. It gathers around them because it understands how necessary, how joyful, and how fearful this joining is. These lovers, pledging themselves to one another "until death," are giving themselves away, and they are joined by this as no law or contract could join them. Lovers, then, "die" into their union with one another as a soul "dies" into its union with God. And so here, at the very heart of community life, we find not something to sell as in the public market but this momentous giving. If the community cannot protect this giving, it can protect nothing...” ― Wendell Berry

Even as we come into community and truly connect with all our relations, we must connect not only spiritually, but also emotionally, mentally and physically. We must connect socially. We must connect from within, and from our heart fields unfolding. We must also connect etherically. Yet, we will not do this until we are ready for a kind of intimacy that outstrips anything we have heretofor known. This comes through a series of initiations. These are initiations of the soul and hearts readiness to truly love. But it is not just a readiness of desire, for their are certain structures and measures of character that must be present and whole enough to truly love, and to be a strong container for divine love, or agape to be held on earth.

"And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people as one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father." - Black Elk

The subtleties of tribal community in the modern world are being forged behind the scenes right now within our very own community, and within our hearts. For we are practicing the art of true community every day here. Tribal community is about much more than getting together and banging on drums... or even doing sacred ceremony. It is not just about anything we could physically "do" together. It is about the spirit and consciousness with which we gather. it is about an understanding that even when we are not physically gathered that we are still connected. This makes the gathering times that much more meaningful. It is about Cosmic universal Truth, that is abiding, and a reverence for the sanctity of life and this whole creation, including the unseen worlds.

“A proper community, we should remember also, is a commonwealth: a place, a resource, an economy. It answers the needs, practical as well as social and spiritual, of its members - among them the need to need one another.” ― Wendell Berry

True tribal community is about resonance and a harmonic convergence of souls. It is about absolute abundance of all things needful both spiritual and material. When we are ready to be on the path of love and release ourselves from the severity and the suffering path, we will come into true community. For it is here that life lessons are no longer learned through unconsciousness and malevolent shennanigans. Lessons are learned through true love. We live by the golden rule, and that is to treat one another as we would like to be treated. But the jewel in the crown is that the members of the community have and understanding of their own divinity and they have or are rapidly abolishing any distortions around the way they want to be treated.

“Without God man neither knows which way to go, nor even understands who he is... One of the deepest forms of poverty a person can experience is isolation... Poverty is often produced by a rejection of God's love, by man's basic and tragic tendency to close in on himself, thinking himself to be self-sufficient or merely an insignificant and ephemeral fact, a "stranger" in a random universe...The human being develops when ... his soul comes to know itself and the truths that God has implanted deep within, when he enters into dialogue with himself and his Creator... It is not by isolation that man establishes his worth, but by placing himself in relation with others and with God.”  ― Pope Benedict XVI

True tribal community must emerge... naturally and organically, as a result of a recognition of a deep common ground in complete wholeness. Any one of the aspects missing will not build true community. We may not be an island, but we are certainly asked to go deep within, to make friends with solitude and to learn how to love and relate from the inside out. It is our community, these faces of God/dess that have helped us to defy gravity from within and allowed our individual souls to soar for all to see, experience and delight in. As this outpictures, the true community is not only there to support... but the real story is that they have been a part of the midwiving of each of us as a soul, all along.

“Men are free when they are obeying some deep, inward voice of belief. Obeying from within. Men are free when they belong to a living, organic, believing community, active in fulfilling some unfulfilled, perhaps unrealized purpose. Not when they are escaping to some wild west. The most unfree souls go west, and shout of freedom.”  ― D.H. Lawrence

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
April 07 - Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe - Celebrating 11 Year Anniversary!
                                           Luncheon Immediately following service
April 14 - Spiritual Partnership - Rev. Maribel Figueroa
April 21 - The Web of Life - Easter Service Church in Circle
April 28 - Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Light

Your vibe Attracts Your Tribe

I am connected soul to soul with all life.
I have something unique and precious to bring to my people and the world.
I allow myself to take the risk for love by being love.
If loving is my aim, then the very act of risk is the accomplishment.
I dare to love with my whole heart.
My love is my protection.
Divine love is my guide and my glory.
When I am truly loving, it is easy to allow others to be free.
My true community comes together on all levels of being.
My true community provides a safety net and support structure so each of us can flourish and evolve.
The love of my people slows me down and helps guide my choices for the highest good of all.
I trust in the light of my soul to guide us all to our greater good.
I am the light of my soul.
Spiritual partnership brings me onto the path of love.
I step fully onto the path of love and learn my life lesson through love and creativity.
I desire to receive in order to share God's love.
True community brings absolute abundance in all things.
There is always someone in my community who is willing to lend a hand.
I am of service to my community, as my soul's work is revealed.
I learn about how to be of proper service in true community.
I take my own council first through writing and meditation.
After I take my own council, I am open to receiving the wisdom of my community.
The small medicine wheel gives me the forum to receive the council of my community in a safe and sacred manner.
I am victorious in love.
I am learning how to love like God/dess loves.
I am listening to my soul, even as it slowly and silently emerges.
The divine I AM presence within me comes forth more easily,
as the oversoul of my spiritual community is revealed and strengthened.
I see my place in this world and am willing to take this rightful place.
I die the little ego deaths everyday if necessary to come into oneness with my tribe.
We are all connected by the creators love.
I see that love is the great connective force of this creation.
I am a loving, harmonizing force for good in the world.
I am an integral part of my spiritual community.
My vibe attracts my tribe.

Friday, March 1, 2019

MARCH 2019: Wisdom, Wellness & Wealth

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” - Henry David Thoreau

Within every one of us is a Sage, Healer and a Magician. As we learn more about these parts of our selves we come into the depths of our own great mystery. This can give us insight into the heretofore unknown abilities that are emergent within us, and opens us up to the world of miracles, magic and our own true nature.

Join us this month at Church of Spiritual Light, as we focus on Wisdom, Wealth and Wellness and the potentials that lie deep within us. Having one without the other is virtually useless to us and keeps us in a state of lack in some area of our life. It could be said that health and wealth stem from wisdom - not knowledge alone, but a culmination of knowledge and understanding which leads us to the source of our true wealth: our wisdom.

“It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.” -Seneca

“Don't tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I'll tell you what they are.”- James W. Frick

Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. --Franklin D. Roosevelt

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
March 03 - Trifecta of Wisdom, Wellness & Wealth
March 10 - Soul Call: Getting Wise to Life
March 17 - Sacred Circle Altar - Spring Equinox
March 24 - Know Thyself, Heal Thyself - Rev. Maribel Figueroa
March 31 - Healer, Sage, Magician

Wisdom Affirmations

I have access to the wisdom of the ages.
I am open to learning, un-learning and re-learning.
I experience new things with curiosity and wonder.
I appreciate and enjoy healthy foods.
I feed my soul, as well as my body.
I take only good things to my heart and soul.
I forgive my negative thoughts and feelings and tend to myself with loving care.
I am a dynamic, multi-dimensional being.
I tap into the knowledge of my ancestors, through my body wisdom.
I trust my body.
Being human is divine.
I receive all things needful, both spiritual and material.
Money flows to me easily.
I respect and appreciate the abundance and the energy of money.
I allow the life force to activate within me.
I enjoy good health by taking care of my body and mind.
I schedule fun into my life every day.
I am a vibrant, joyful being.
I move into the future with confidence and joy.
I am open to experiencing more bliss in my life.
My outer world is a reflection of my inner world and vice versa.
I am seen and heard for who I am and allow others to get to know the real me.
I allow the flow of the eternal will to good to enter my heart.
I take responsibility for my future and my life.
I awaken the healer and shaman within.
I awaken the magician within and utilize my will for highest purpose.
I engage the Master within to guide and guard me.
I am blessed with wisdom, wellness and wealth in all ways.

Friday, February 1, 2019

FEBRUARY 2019: The Sacred Other

"What you seek is seeking you." - Rumi

Where do your true passions lie? What and/or who makes your soul soar, causes you to lose track of time, brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment to your life? What gets you excited to be alive? What melts your heart, brings out emotion? What are you avoiding? How are you experiencing love? How do you love? 

The answer to these questions can help you discover more about the quantity and quality of love you are allowing in your life. Many of us are very stingy with our love. We constantly withhold love from ourselves and others. We think that in order to discern right from wrong that we must cast judgment and withhold love in order to correct ourselves. Nothing could be further from the truth. For it is by facing and embracing what we are, all of it, that the whole picture is revealed to us and we turn the impetus of our journey from one of force, to one of power: The Power of Love.

Human beings have a deep and wide intelligence that far outstrips the thinking mind. Even scientists have come to identify what they call a host of intelligences within an individual. There is mathematical genius, artistic and creative genius and even now there is exploration into the intelligence of the heart and body itself! The heart has an electro magnetic field of resonance which is thousands of times stronger than that which is conducted by thought alone, giving new meaning to phrases like, "put your heart into it" or "my heart wasn't in it" and "I really took that to heart". But how do we grow in our ability to love?

The answer to this question, as so many poets and mystics have revealed, is potentially why we are even here in the flesh - to experience the many faces and facets of the Creator, to intimately reveal to ourselves who and what we are through this knowledge and experience and to create something new as we allow the alchemy of our passions to forge us into autonomous beings of light who can CHOOSE so very many ways to express true love and reveal the Light. For when the Light is revealed through the stories of our lives, we are able to see the purpose of living as we continually discover and lean into what really matters to us. For without love, little else truly matters. As Rumi says, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

"There is some kiss we want with our whole lives, the touch of spirit on the body." ~ Rumi

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
February 03 - The Sacred Other
February 10 - Sacred Circle Altar- Divine Union of the Lovers Within
February 17 - My Relations: Body, Mind, Heart & Soul - Rev. Maribel Figueroa
February 24 - Life Purpose & The Mythic Call

"Without an understanding of myth or religion, without an understanding of the relationship between destruction and creation, death and rebirth, the individual suffers the mysteries of life as meaningless mayhem alone.” - Marion Woodman

February Affirmations

I am love. I am loved. I am loving.
l allow love to live through me.
Love is an energy, a substance from which I am created.
The aspects of my being are in harmony with life.
My body and soul is the sacred altar of my life.
The languages of light and love move and guide me.
I speak the language of love. And open to greater awareness of love in my life.
I go to the next level with my love. I love myself as I love all.
I receive the Light of Truth that is all around me and in so doing I receive more Love.
There is only love. Whether I choose to block or allow it is my choice.
I am the intention of love. Loving is what makes me feel alive.
When I withhold love from others, I am withholding love from myself.
I open to Divine Light within and activate my High Heart.
What I love, loves me. I am passionate about life.
My love can heal and empower others.
I am committed to true love and devoted to learning how to love better.
It is safe to unconditionally love others, because first I unconditionally love myself.
I see my relationships, most especially the challenging ones, as messengers reminding me to love myself.
When someone doesn't love me, I know their soul's purpose in that moment is to remind me to love myself.
I send lovingkindness to all those who feel unloved or unloveable.
The divine template for Mother/Father God lives within me.
The Lovers within me are devoted to wholeness and the perfection of this creation.
I trust in my ability to love from a place a wholeness.
I am aware of my need for love, and acknowledge that love is as prevalent as air.
My heart is broken open only to let down my guard to receive more love.
I am guided and protected by my love.
Being human is the fruit of the marriage of divine love.
Love is revealed in the human journey. I have many stories of love to tell.
I am awakened by love.
My purpose is to love and be loved.
I see the Sacred Other. I am the Sacred Other. We are One.