Wednesday, July 31, 2024

AUGUST 2024: Know Thyself

Don't shine to be seen, Shine so that others can see the way. ~ Unknown

Do you know the deeper, higher truth of who you are? Have you dared to acknowledge that there may be parts of yourself that you barely know or understand? Are you willing to allow yourself the leeway to grow, change and evolve? Do you have the courage to shine the light on your own inner being, as well as cosmic forces that are available to you? Do you ask and answer questions like these often? If you said, yes - Great! Self inquiry is an absolute necessity to begin to shine that light of yours from within.

Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?  ~Maurice Freehill 

If you see the Light, in its most practical nature, as the Truth, then you understand that enlightenment is the means by which we reveal the truth to ourselves and to the world. Yet, enlightenment is about far more than simply being honest. True enlightenment strips away all the illusions about life itself, including people, places and things, parts of our own personality and belief systems and anything else at all that is keeping us from the truth of love. It inspires us to open to our soul and it allows us to see the light in everyone and everything.

When you possess light within, you see it externally. ~Anaïs Nin

Many people try to shine a spotlight onto themselves from without, competing for attention and living in a perpetual state of lack, forgetting all about power versus force and the power of their true light.  When you absolutely know who you are, what you have to offer to the world and the importance of anchoring your God self onto this planet, then you know it's not really that much about you shining at all. It's about you becoming in alignment with your radiant God Self, so that the unique aspects of this creation that you are resonant with, can find you and we can all be re-united with the Light.

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. ~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

We are here now in a dance of shadow and light. This is a dance that we must come to enjoy. For even though we all know that the life giving light of the sun is what keeps our body and mind alive and well. It is under the cover of the night, and in the void of our own soul, where all possibility exists and the deep lake of our inner being, reflects the light of God and refracts it out into the world in a way that allows us to reveal, share and receive God's Love. This is the means by which the omnipotent forces of creation can experience itself in the material world, where we can play and have fun, creating our dreams and manifesting love without "blinding" each other with our Light. This is how we all come to shine our Light from within and live as one.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~ Marianne Williamson

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
August 04 - Know Thyself
August 11- Tools for Enlightenment
August 18 - Working with Light
August 25 - Dance of Shadow & Light

I am guided by the Light.
I am filled with the Light of the Creator.
I meditate with the Light.
As I shine the light and reflect on my life, I look for the love.
I ask what would love do?
My life is alive with the truth of my existence.
I am evolving into the full realization and becoming my soul.
My soul will set my spirit free.
My light must come through the depths of my soul.
The Light is in service to my soul.
In the darkness of my soul, all things are possible and I choose according to the desires of my heart what I will create.
I use reflection and contemplation to know myself.
I allow myself to shine.
I allow others to shine, and bask in the gifts they freely give.
I see the inner beauty of all those who surround me.
I receive the gifts of life, through all the people, places and things on my journey.
The Light destroys all illusions of love.
The Light leads me to divine love.
I am inspiring, when I am inspired.
I live an illuminated life.
I dance with shadow and light, understanding that this is how I am able to choose with my free will.
It is within the darkness, that I find the true light within.
I order to access the darkness, I turn toward my problems and issues, not away.
I face the power of my own Light within and actively work with it to dispell illusion.
Once I see the Light, I have faith that my innate wisdom will guide me to the choices that will free my soul.
As I free my mind, I free my body. As I free my heart, I free my soul.
What I love inspired and enlightens the world.
As I know myself, I know the universe.
Life is Light.
I am a being of light.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

JULY 2024: Freedom For Love

"You have freedom when you're easy in your harness." ~Robert Frost

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
July 07 - Freedom For Love
July 14 - What is Freedom For?
July 21 - Zero-Point Responsibility
July 28 - From Karma to Dharma

In our country the Fourth of July marks a very special milestone in human history: a collective acknowledgment in a new world for liberation from tyranny, injustice, slavery and anything that bars our pathway to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Does anyone ever notice that our founding fathers put the pursuit of happiness right up there with life and limb? But how many of us truly honor and guard our pursuit of happiness as much as we do our very lives? Don't we tend to suffer as long as we can tolerate the suffering? Which for many of us is very long. Don't we say someday I'll be happy when... Don't we underestimate our need for deep soul satisfaction as being something that would be nice, but not necessary for our survival?

I daresay our ancestors gave us alot more than a free country when they signed those documents. They gave us the true formula to properly prioritize the care and feeding of the human spirit. Isn't it fascinating that this powerful message comes forth in what is considered a political, secular document? In one of the greatest revelations of the power of the people the Declaration of Independence is possibly one of the most sacred documents in existence for our time, if you consider that God can speak through humankind. But freedom isn't free.

We must be committed to our freedom. Freedom isn't free and we must be willing to pay the price, to fight if need be not only for our right to do as we please, but to be who we really are. We must fight our own inner demons and that of our ancestral karma to be free of old patterns and programming, while enjoying the gifts we've been given to create ourselves by the power of the divine will that resides within each of us. This is our path to freedom, right through the center of our heart. Most of all we simply want to be free to love, to be love, to flow love, to receive love, and to create our world in love. This is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and to each other.

"Most people want security in this world, not liberty." ~H.L. Mencken

"We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it." ~William Faulkner

"Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves." ~Nietzsche

Free to Be Affirmations

I am committed to the freedom of my spirit.

I allow my soul to soar.

I practice freedom in my life.

I allow others the freedom to be who they are.

I am free to love.

I am free to just be myself. I am free to discover who I am.

I am free to make new choices.

I give myself permission to express myself in different ways.

I am a growing, evolving spiritual being.

I have the higher vision of eagle within my being.

I am free to explore the possibilities of life.

My will to live is ignited and my love is the flame.

There is so much to live for and I am grateful for my life.

I am the intention of my ancestors, but I am ultimately made in the image of the creator.

I remember who I am. I remember all that I have been.

I activate stellar consciousness and witness the birth of this universe and all that is.

I am a Shining Star.

I am gifted and talented at____________________________________________.

I love to____________________________________________________________________.

Others think I am good at ___________________________________________________________.

My journey has been long, but I have never been alone.

I feel the supportive power of my people.

I experience God through my people and my family and community.

I call upon Archangel Michael, the mighty Eagle, to clear me of the imprints of the past.

I clear and purify myself and reset the future.

With great excitement and gratitude I step into my destiny.

I am free to choose life.

I am free for Love.