Monday, February 4, 2013

Reiki Share Night

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.  ~ Shakespeare

Reiki Share Nite is available to the community to allow practitioners and those who are interested in reiki and energy healing to come together and explore the world of energy medicine. Any reiki practitioner at any level is welcome to both give and receive reiki treatments. Members of the community who are not attuned to give reiki are welcome to come to experience the power of reiki first hand and to explore this powerful modality.

The Reiki Share Nite experience can be conducted in a seated position, or lying down on the floor. Blankets and pillows are available if you so desire, however, you may want to consider bringing your own for your ultimate comfort. Please dress comfortably, as well.

This is a wonderful opportunity for practitioners to practice channeling reiki energy, as well as a way for all to gain greater personal experience.

2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month @ 6:30pm
Hosted at Church of Spiritual Light, 1939 Park Meadows Dr. #1, Fort Myers, FL 33907
Donation to space: $5

For more information contact Rev. Renee Bledsoe 239-560-6314 or send email to

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