Monday, January 1, 2024

JANUARY 2024: EarthWise

We have the great priviledge of being alive during the shifting of an age. Many of us remember hearing a very popular song from the 60's - it's refrain now passing out of the realm of art and entertainment into true life - for what we surely are witnessing is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, and its promise of peace and plenty. 

“Even truth needs to be clad in new garments if it is to appeal to a new age.” - Georg Lichtenberg 

Aquarius is the water bearer and is symbol is represented by a man pouring water out of a jug. Yet, Aquarius is an air element. It could be said that we are now entering a time, where our heads and our hearts will finally find greater connection and fuller expression. In a sense, this sign of the times is literally informing us that our enlightenment and our mental power is not complete without the magic of our heart and soul. 

"If luck means being in the right place at the right time,…..being in the right place at the right time is actually all about being in the right state of mind."  - Richard Wiseman 

We are looking at not just a shift in an astrological age, but truly a shift in consciousness. We have already been witnessing this shift. There has been an awakening of souls, some through spiritual emergency and crisis, and some through pure grace. However it comes, it is coming for anyone who can let go and get into the flow. Gary Zukav in his book, Seat of the Soul, reminds us that new multi-sensory aspects of the human condition are coming online for everyone. And it is what we choose to do with those upgrades to our ability to communicate with each other, with nature and with the Universe itself and the powers that be, that will tell the tale of our ability to create a golden age. 

“To recognize one's own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence.”  ― Eckhart Tolle 

Never before in the history of the planet has so very much of the world been able to directly communicate in the physical. This has changed everything and made things possible that would not have been possible. This rapid communication has actually affected time and has been and will continue to change the way we work with time. This has the potential to affect us in ways that we may not yet be able to comprehend. As the Mayans have been teaching us, time is to be respected and consciously worked with, including seasonal energies, cosmic and astrological forces, as well as our personal relationship with time and implications of an advanced means of relating to time. 

“If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best.” ― Neale Donald Walsch 

The earth is changing and so are we. As more and more people become conscious of the power of intent and actively communicating with the earth, the planets, nature, animals, guides and guardians, and of course each other, we must hold the space for the wisdom of the ages, the insights and the teachings that have rolled forward through humanity and the human condition to nourish and advance us. This is our soul's emergence on the planet and in the flesh. 

“You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.”  ― Eckhart Tolle 

There is still much to be done, and it is all a labor of love. For never before has there been so much hope for healing, enlightenment, joy, peace, abundance and love for so many. Even the possibility of the dawning of a new age has begun to have an impact on the way that many of us now see the world. For we are seeing with clearer vision, higher hopes and open hearts.  And so it is being re-membered how to walk the sacred way, the beauty way as we feel it in our bones. Through wisdom of Gaia ww become Earthwise.

“Your life is your spiritual path.” ― Sandy Nathan 

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
January 07 - Earth Wise
January 14 - Working with Spiritual Guides
January 21 - Collective Soul
January 28 - Be Here Now

EarthWise Affirmations
I am envisioning a new earth.
The new earth is filled with love, creativity and joy.
I face my fears and release the path of suffering.
I embrace the gift of life.
My joy is the joy of the world.
My peace brings peace to the world.
I honor and acknowledge my ancestors.
I understand the role my ancestors have played in my life and this creation.
I tap into the deep magic of creation.
I recognize my powers of manifestion.
I refine my connection to Spirit and to my own soul.
Through my heart connections I create my life in love.
I am filled with inspiration, creativity and solutions.
I see myself at the center of the universe.
When I find my medicine, my power, I am centered in my heart.
My heart is the gateway to my soul.
My soul is emerging.
The new earth energies are supporting our journey to bring heaven to earth.
I re-enter the garden of earthly delights with the full understanding that this manifestation is so that I can express and experience true love.
I make choices based in love.
I see all people, places and things through the eyes of love.
I take part in actively creating the New Earth.
I come home to my heart through the wisdom of the Earth.