Wednesday, January 29, 2025

February 2025 : Abundance of Love

“You are truly wealthy when you have something that money cannot buy." - Unknown

SUNDAY TALKS with Rev. Renee Bledsoe 
Feb 2 - Abundance of Love
Feb 9 - The Dance of Yin & Yang
Feb 16 - Your Soul is your Super Power
Feb 23 - Prosperity Consciousness

Many think only of money when pondering abundance and prosperity. But few would disagree that the first abundance is love. But what do most of us really know of the true nature of love? Many have spent a lifetime learning what love is not. Now the challenge is on to really take ourselves individually, and as a whole to the next levels of love. Our poverty will not uplift, enrich, support or create life. But our poverty observed has the potential to enlighten and teach us, and help us transcend belief systems surrounding lack and limitation, and allow ourselves to receive and create a life of true abundance, filled with love and blessings of all things needful.

“Life in abundance comes only through great love.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

Throughout our lives love takes many forms, assumes many faces, and takes us places both inwardly and outwardly that stretch and grow us. Always opening us to experience the unloveable, to allow us to create the space for true love and true abundance to enter our hearts, and infuse our lives.When we realize and truly open to the absolute abundance of love, it has no choice but to outpicture in our lives. 

"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." - Wayne Dyer

As we fill our daily existence with more expressions and opportunities to show love the universe responds. Lack is released and old belief systems about love, spirituality and religion, divinity, sexuality, partnership, friendship and prosperity start to shift and move, quake beneath our feet.

"Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

As we come to the realization that we are love, by practicing the art of love, new ideas and needs come into play that support the desire to release limiting beliefs, most especially about money. Money seems to be the paper equivalent of dynamite. If we hold and handle it correctly, with consciousness, care and respect, it can be utilized to great effect... but one false move... and boom.... total devastation. As with all things of great power this is true. Yet, if we kill the messenger, we never get the message. So what is the message of money?

“People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of win-lose. There is only so much; and if someone else has it, that means there will be less for me. The more principle-centered we become, the more we develop an abundance mentality, the more we are genuinely happy for the successes, well-being, achievements, recognition, and good fortune of other people. We believe their success adds to…rather than detracts from…our lives.” ~ Stephen R. Covey

As we heal our relationship with money, and understand the energetics behind the paper and metal, we realize that we have been practicing with real world playthings that allow us to see how we are handling our dynamite... before it could blow us to bits. And some of us do get blown to bits, and in the process are released from the stranglehold of the little ego and the cosmic belief systems that have come to be attached to the money wound.

"Abundance doesn't follow giving until giving becomes its own reward." -Jan Denise

Money, like all things of great potential  tempts and calls us out like nothing else, with the exception of sex. Yet, we cannot blame the temptor. For if we do, we fall prey to the perpetuation of the old belief systems that say that money is bad, sex is bad and having alot of anything is bad. Inherently this is both true and false. It is a paradox. For we are really handing it to ourselves, testing ourselves and working with our own ability to release our selfish separate selves that are driven by lack.

"The universe operates through dynamic exchange… giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. and in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives." ~Deepak Chopra

Our soul's are stalking us. The different aspects of ourselves are weighing in, counterbalancing and allowing us to attenuate the expression of our soul in the physical. So the truth is that while we are lost in lack and fear, we may well stay there... or by sheer force of will manhandle our way to apparent wealth. But the underlying energies of lack will remain no matter what has outpictured. For we do have the ability to work our will through the distortion of whatever belief system we are running it through.

“The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little.” ~ Ben Sweetland

“The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little.” ~ Ben Sweetland

As we continue to learn our lessons about proper energy management, and continue to open up to the glory of our own soul, we will ultimately begin to find our place, amongst our people, the world, and the entire cosmos. When we open up to the limitlessness of our soul, we find that unlike the body, the soul and the spirit are not bound up in lack. Yes, the soul may throw limitation our way, but it is largely for purposes of exploration and getting our priorities aligned with our purpose. When the soul's expression comes to meet the desire to receive in order to share, a very big vortex of power begins to open within the mind, body, heart and soul connection to Spirit. And suddenly one day through this new, high and vital energy our perception shifts, and we realize that the Light, God, Love and Money are all connected.

“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” ~ Buddha

As the realization unfolds and we actually perceive this not only inwardly, but outwardly, as well, our earthly possessions of all forms, including our money, talents, work, energy, our light and our love go back from whence they came, and our absolute desire is to use the great gifts we've been given, in service to the Light and to bring even more love, joy, abundance and peace, creativity to the planet.  Furthermore, we come to the realization that our abundance was always there, and that all we have done is released the belief systems of lack and limitation, not because we've been wrong, but because we are ready to do more, take on more response-ability to bring love, and to allow ourselves to belong to the world.

This is true love... and that is true abundance. We do not attract what we want, we attract what we are. The power that is within us is beyond our conscious grasp, early in our human development. But when it is time to fly and we find our compassion and love for life has given our heart wings.

I see all the blessings that are bestowed upon me.
When I can see my blessings, I am grateful.
I do the work to see the light in my life.
It is my hearts desire to connect with the light of my soul.
The light of my soul guides me to my true calling.
My true calling knows no lack or limitation.
I no longer see limitation as lack.
I fill my heart with love and peace.
As I create with my hands my life is infused with creativity.
My creativity allows for positive expression.
I send blessings for the abundance of the world.
I am happy for others who are abundant.
I feel abundant in the Spirit.
I allow the abundance of Spirit to enter my heart.
As the abundance of Spirit enters my heart I am overflowing with love.
I open to more creative and responsible ways to express my soul and serve the world.
I am a New World Server who brings the Light and the Love of Creator to the earth.
As we formulate, invent, and create new energy becomes available to us all.
Our creations are connected.
When I am creative, I silently give others permission to create.
I am abundant in all things needful, both spiritual and material.
I am open to receiving what is necessary to continue in my life's mission.
My life mission and my purpose are important to us all.
As I step into my life purpose, I am instantly abundant.
I give to others that which I value in my life.
I activate the desire to receive in order to share.
I turn my physical bounty into spiritual gold.
As my purpose is realized I become responsive to the needs of my mission.
Generosity of Spirit and Gratitude for life is my True Abundance.
My abundance is backed in spiritual gold.
The currency of abundance is true love.

Thank you for your donations and tithes. Every ounce of your support and participation enables us to continue to provide spiritual care to our community.
You may donate at

We have an online community where each week we share our Sunday Meditation playlists, our monthly energy channeling, as well as New Earth Teachings, Universal Medicine Wheel Readings and Metaphysical Inspiration for soul recovery. You can join for as little as $5 per month. Visit --->

Thursday, January 2, 2025

JANUARY 2025 : Perfecting Now

"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life." ― Eckhart Tolle

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
January 05 - Perfecting Now
January 12 - Becoming the Tracker
January 19 - Harmonic Convergence
January 26 - Unity Consciousness

"If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.” ― Eckhart Tolle

These two statements are like a lock and key. The NOW exists on the inner planes of our being. When we don't work with the inner, there is no now for us. Everything remains linear and segmented. Cause and effect only happens in times and space as we look outward. When we work in the present moment, ironically it uses time to our advantage, and we can tap into a new depth of cause and effect. We talk about "the Secret", but this is the real secret; the place that exists outside of linear time and physical space, but encapsulated by it.

The fact is that this realm is as real as any other reality in any other realm, and brings us to the place of Now, a sacred space of miraculous creation. We realize that when we step outside of time and get into the now, we can only be in this state by communion in oneness. It is a byproduct of that state. When we are focused only outwardly on circumstances and situations that are outside of ourselves, and holding them apart from ourselves, we have just stepped out of the now and into clock time. Time ticks and days are numbered. This is the realm of quickening. Alchemy is happening and we are now ready to move. This is the fourth dimension.

Perfecting Now does not mean that we are in sitting meditation all day. It means that we are mindful and present to every nuance of our existence that we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. This is the nature of the fifth dimension, or unity consciousness. It means that we do the work to open and sharpen our skills of observation so that we can get into the Gap of our lives.

Getting present might mean that you confront someone. Because unfinished business keeps us either mourning the past or fearful of the future in some regard. This robs us of the NOW, as we end up using our precious energy to babysit some unspoken specter.

In truth, we are being called to perfect our ability to defy gravity through the power of the illumined mind to work with time, inside of the sacred space of our own heart for the purposes of coordinating, gathering and communing in the physical with each other.

This is practice for the day when we will commune telepathically through a greater force than we now know that rules our lives. As we come clean with ourselves and each other, this possibility becomes an ever deepening reality.

This kind of kinship and communion is the re-unification of God's journey. Humpty Dumpty isn't looking to be put back together the way he was, not just because it's not possible, but because as he sat on that wall and fell back down to earth he was forever changed. He was broken open, just as we expand and grow we no longer fit into our old notions of who and what we are. As we realize this, the closer we get to God, the closer we are to each other. We are emerging something together here greater than the sum of it's parts. But in order to do this, in order to receive the future recall, the visionquests and the dreams, we must be present. We must be in the presence of our own soul.

Being one means that we are together, not the same. And being together means that we are of one mind, one heart and one soul. One mind does not mean that we think alike. One mind means that we have wisdom, love and understanding, and that we realize what a treasure our unique view, and another's unique view brings to the whole. It means that we foster our unique individually to benefit the greater whole.

As we realize our place in this world, enjoy the richness of our diversity, we harmonize this multi-verse into one song... the uni-verse. Not by sounding the same note, but by listening for the harmonics of our soul signatures to help us come together in perfect synergy and harmony.

We realize that physical space and our bodies are truly the only thing at this point that separate us and with the understanding that this separation is not the whole picture of reality we do not tell ourselves the lie of separation. We KNOW that even if we are not aware that what we do and who we are affects the whole. We can be of one mind, as we bring in the Light of the Soul and enjoin with the mind of God, however, you see the source. This is perfecting now.

I am present to my life, to myself and to others.
I strike out on my new journey with renewed faith, hope and love.
I speak my truth with love and compassion.
I allow others to speak their truth with love and compassion.
I understand the difference between my truth and universal truth.
I am filled with the light of angelic forces within.
I call to my spiritual guides and guardians for guidance and assistance.
I am a force for good in the world.
I allow all that I am to fully integrate into my being.
I operate with the highest levels of integrity that I am capable of.
I release the bounds of illusion and the wall of denial that keeps me from my soul.
I authenticate and validate my true self.
I accept myself unconditionally, as I honor my transformational process.
I trust in the wisdom of my spirit, to inform my life and lead me to my higher self.
I treat my body and mind as a sacred trust.
I see the holistic view of every situation.
Everything we see is connected on levels that we can barely imagine, with things that we cannot see.
I honor the interconnectivity of all that is.
I am open to the expression of my highest creativity.
I acknowledge the power of humility to bring me to my creativity.
I surrender to the love within my soul.
I trust the creator, the master of the divine plan and see the brilliance of this creation.
Whatever I am experiencing is exactly what I need to more fully claim my free will.
The wisdom of my higher self is my guiding force.
I see the Light, within myself, within others and this creation.
I am open to the adventures of this magnificent journey called life.
I live fully in the present moment.
I am M.E. an ever evolving Moment of Eternity.
I am, that I am.
As I heal and grow in love I become my true self.
As I live from my true being, I am immersed in unity consciousness.

Thank you for your donations and tithes. Every ounce of your support and participation enables us to continue to provide spiritual care to our community.
You may donate at

We have an online community where each week we share our Sunday Meditation playlists, our monthly energy channeling, as well as New Earth Teachings, Universal Medicine Wheel Readings and Metaphysical Inspiration for soul recovery. You can join for as little as $5 per month. Visit --->

Saturday, November 30, 2024

DECEMBER 2024: Divine Light

“Whoever lives the truth comes into the light.” (John 3:21)

In theology, divine light (also called divine radiance or divine refulgence) is an aspect of divine presence, specifically an unknown and mysterious ability of God, angels, or human beings to express themselves communicatively through spiritual means, rather than through physical capacities. Spiritual light or divine light is often used as a metaphor for the Truth, as in seeing the light. However, spiritual light is a very real phenomenon that has a profound effect upon the earth and her inhabitants on many levels of being.

Bringing in more divine light is accomplished slowly and over time, as we remove layers of denial and awaken to ever deepening understanding of the true nature of our being. Truth is revealed, this allows enlightenment to occur.. meaning darkness and confusion are brought to order. This order, at first can feel a little austere, and a kind of emptiness can occur, especially if the segueway into our purpose is not quite in step with the dance of our new beginnings. Yet, this stage of enlightenment is not to be feared. There is a definitive point in time where we are claiming the truth of our free will and going to places of greater responsibility with our free will.

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Albus Dumbledore 

At first when the full weight of that is felt, acknowledged and understood, it can press upon us and feel quite overwhelming. This is why the process of enlightenment, while in it's initial stages often entails a great deal of clearing and letting go of belief systems that do not serve free will, is ultimately leading us to the realization of our freedom to create our life, to live out our destiny in the highest, most ingenious ways we can imagine. Navigating in the emptiness of our own divine identity as it is coming to light is a time when our true selves are literally coming alive or coming online. It truly is an awakening and an unfolding of the great mystery within.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ― Plato

As we begin the process of unfolding, much like a flower that opens its petals to the sun, we continue to bring in more and more light. It becomes important for us to consciously work with light. We do this by continuing practices which help us to raise and maintain higher levels of awareness and mindfulness. some of that freedom we have earned includes the propensity to tell the truth.... regularly and even at cost to what was before. When this is faithfully done, we start to see the perfection of this existence in greater detail. This brings us into a deep appreciation for our life and for all life. This appreciation and gratitude becomes a way of being, and not just a list that we rustle up when we need a reminder to pull us out of the doldrums.

Often we will hear teachers remind us of the power of our shadow and going into our own darkness. While these teachings are helpful for sure, ultimately if you look at darkness or chaos as a part of creation, or the void of creation to be more specific, then you will understand that journeying through a measure of darkness is a valid part of the process of creating our lives, and our divine identity. But just as the physical birth process and our time in the womb and passage through the birth canal is not the whole of our life experience, but in reality only the beginning, for our divinity is born through the passage through the valley of the shadow of darkness into the light in much the same way. Notice that it says the shadow of darkness. This could be interpreted as saying that when we are in the void or the unknown aspects of creation that if we are suffering, in pain or afraid that we may be in the shadow of darkness. As we ascribe our fears to this part of the creative process, it could quite possibly be reminding us that we are to bring light into the darkness in order to release the lie of the shadow.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”  ― Martin Luther King Jr

Divine Light has the power to heal and empower our lives in ways that we may barely be able to comprehend. Lightworkers the world over are essentially truth workers, who by facing their own darkness, bravely shine the light and are willing to die the little ego deaths of negativity and distorted belief systems in order to be reborn into the light. This has a visceral effect on all life. For bringing in divine light is much more than a metaphor for the truth, though it is always brought forth through the vehicle of Truth. Spiritual Light is here for us to resource ourselves and remember ourselves in due course. It is a real and vital substance that we must learn how to summon and direct for the greater good of all. We must do this regularly and routinely in order to strengthen and awaken to the light of truth. Truth brings healing and redemption. Our task is to learn to trust in the process of creation.

“The Light is more than some abstract, unknowable energy force. Light is Truth. If Light is truth, then darkness must be lies. Each and every lie we tell to ourselves and others casts the shadow of separation upon us. Every time even the most minor deception is revealed and the truth is made known we are re-united with the Light. So, Let there be Light. Those are the words by which you can create your own magnificent world.” - Renee Bledsoe

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
December 1 - Divine Light
December 8 - Rebirth of Divinity
December 15 - Depth of Truth
December 22 - Let There Be Light
December 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Ceremony
December 29- Purity of Heart

I am a being of pure light..
Where I once created my life in darkness, I now create through the awareness of the light of my soul.
I refine my ability to create from love.
I create my life because of love.
I look for ever deepening enlightened expressions of love.
I create and express the light of my soul.
I allow the light of my soul to be my guiding light.
I enter the darkness, knowing that all that lies outside of what is known to me is there.
Magic and miracles live in the unknown.
I courageously enter the mystery void of creation.
I reveal the light in all my dealings.
The truth will set me free.
The light resources me and gives me strength.
I turn the karma of my ancestral path into the light of my darma.
I heal and empower myself with the light of truth.
I am devoted to the Light.
Spiritual Light activates my soul.
My spirit is reborn in the flesh.
The divine mother within carefully tends my soul.
My mind is in service to my soul.
There is a saviour being born within me.
Moments of truth clarify my connection to my divinity.
I allow my divinity to be revealed.
The light of my soul reveals the purity of my heart.
I accept the light for my highest good.
I receive and activate the great spiritual light of the holy days.
I am conscious of greater depths of love.
My spiritual strength comes from the light of the creator.
Where there is truth, there is light. Where there is light, there is God.

We appreciate your support which allows us to continue to provide spiritual care to our community. For your convenience Donations and Tithes may be offered online  @ -->

Monday, October 28, 2024

NOVEMBER 2024: Reclaiming the Sacred

"Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness." - Rumi

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
November 03 - Reclaiming the Sacred
November 10 - Calling Back Your Soul
November 17 - Homecoming
November 24 - Thanks & Giving

November 28 - Thanksgiving Feast 3pm & GiveAway Ceremony 5pm

The time of the soul's renewal and restoration is upon us. It is time for the reclaiming of the sacred. The world is moving in such a way as to perfectly align with the timing of this re-birthing of our higher, deeper selves. We now have and actually have had, the support of the cosmos for the soul and consequently the spiritual emergence of our true being. We are rapidly becoming. And like all overnight successes, these changes within us have been hard won and a long time coming!

"You think the shadow is the substance. Every moment I shape my destiny with a chisel. I am the carpenter of my soul."- Rumi

But what does the new earth look like? How will we be different? What will change? The asking of questions is perhaps one of the most prominent hallmarks of the new age. The asking of a question is both masculine and feminine - perfectly balance if asked correctly and with true openness and humility. Once you start asking questions, you have truly begun to engage in the creation of your life through the power of your freed will. Honest inquiry is the first step to wholeness, with it's infusion of innocence and wonder, putting a crack of light into our linear thought patterns, know it all boxed in approach or just plain arrogance and ignorance. Questions are the key to the release of the ego's stranglehold.

"Why am I seeking? I am the same as he. His essence speaks through me. I have been looking for myself. What you seek is seeking you." - Rumii

So now that you have truly begun an open inquiry, the call is to start listening, smelling and seeing... not just with the five senses, but with your spiritual senses, your intuition, your third eye and your deep insight. It is time to engage with the world through your multi-sensory self and activate the parts of you that can apprehend the hidden, magical inner workings of your own soul and the universe. Let the physical world begin a new kind of conversation with you. It is far more alive and responsive than you may truly realize, bridging both the spiritual/metaphysical and the physical worlds.  And when it begins to speak back to you, as you ask your questions, in ways that maybe only you can understand, you will be in awe of this living cosmos, as we realize that all things contain a spiritual essence.

"We are each others' search for what's between our mirrors. He is like a man using a candle to lood for the sun." - Rumii

Soon after this type of communication is engaged, you may find yourself struggling with your thoughts and mental powers and wondering where "what you think" fits into this new mode and way of being. While there is no doubt that spiritual message can come through your mind and your thoughts, the practice of listening through all the spiritual senses relieves your mind of its former burden of being your sole informant (no pun intended). Your mind can now become in service to your soul, instead of the other way around. Prove it to yourself how beautiful it is to live as your soul. Let your soul come home. Give your soul, your spiritual senses, other intelligences and divine will a chance to inform your life.

"God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites so that you will have two wings to fly, not one." - Rumii

Once you live in the magic, you won't want to go back to linear life. Once the joy, the beauty and the bounty of this universe is more fully revealed to you, you won't be able to unsee what you have seen. The time is here to let time work for us. We will no longer be working for time. As we come to deeper and more profound revelations about who and what we truly are the soul comes alive. And as the soul comes alive, the Spirit is made flesh... and as the Spirit is made flesh... Heaven is upon the earth....

And when Heaven is upon the earth...there is true Love...

Reclaiming the Sacred

I open to the language of my soul.
I am filled with the Light of the creator.
I resource myself with breath and light.
I take care of my body as an extension of my soul.
I use the mirror of my relationships to discover and heal my soul.
I clear and heal myself so that I can stand before others and mirror wholeness.
My wholeness is my perfection.
When I totally accept myself in the moment, I am whole.
Wholeness leads to wellness.
I heal myself and this world through my perfect love.
Love is patient.
I am devoted to the Light.
I am devoted to my soul.
I express my soul's desires.
What I seek is seeking me.
I am a mirror for the Light.
I become transparent to negativity and suffering.
I see the world through the eyes of compassion.
I am a witness to my own wholeness.
All is perfect in this moment.
I am guided moment by moment along the path of liberation.
I am free to choose love.
I raise my vibration with music and positive affirmations.
I live in the magic.
I allow my life to teach me how to love.
I love myself.
I restore my soul.

Monday, September 30, 2024

October 2024: The Art of Truth

"Those who choose their destiny will be the heroes, the pioneers, the midwives and the mothers of the future." - Alberto Villoldo

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
October 06 - The Art of Truth
October 13 - Being & Doing
October 20 - Getting Used to Great
October 27 - Living Real

Spiritual emergence is the process by which we are coming home to our true nature. Some of us can feel the new earth values coming alive in our hearts. This is ascension with feet on the ground. Humanity as a whole stands at the brink of the momentous realization that heaven on earth may be possible, even as we realize that we still have work to do. We are also coming to realize what that is and how it looks, not as innocent children, but as breathing, living, maturing human beings who understand the potential and power of this creation.

As that power is realized, and our esteem and knowledge of self grows, not only do we learn about ourselves, we learn about the of everyone and everything. We see and experience the interconnectedness of all that is, all the time. We read energy and we see the shape of all things in the spirit. And we know that we have the power in our own hands and hearts and minds to get back into the garden.

"The new myths, the stories that we will teach our children and endow them with the will to live epic lives, must be forged, lived and told by us."- Alberto Villoldo

Most of us have a sense, even if we have never truly experienced it or only in fleeting moments, the power of the potential of this creation and that a very intrinsic part of this is the re-unification of the Creator. We have a longing for true community, but we have forgotten how to be with our tribe. To many, getting along with others without a tremendous amount of negativity and hurtfulness being present has been something only wished for, but never fully realized. But that was before so many people had shifted into the return back to the garden. The garden is quite simply the consciousness that believes and can clearly hold the vision that paradise can be restored to the earth. And that means that the potential for everything on this planet to live and grow in harmony has never been more possible.

We have an inkling of what this earth can evolve into, if we will stop for a moment and truly assess the situation outside of our own wounds and the trauma and drama that most of us have endured on this journey to build the world into the state that it is now. Some who can only see, yet, in segments may have quite a different view and find it not so easy to be hopeful. But those of us who can see and who know the power of our own mind and intentions, and this is important... also know that this universe is unfolding according to a divine plan... and this is even more important... that the intelligence that created this universe is part of us and we are a part of it... then everything is by our own design... not as mere individuals, but as emerging souls who represent the body of God, who have come here to claim our free will to create paradise and come into the perfection of our wholeness.

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”  ― Steve Jobs

It is in our coming together and opening up to the magnetizing force of Love that we can cross the abyss of our own fears and realize that heaven on earth can begin to manifest for us right here and now. We flow between being of service to ourselves, being of service to others and then eventually when our soul stalkings bring us to the altar of our hearts and what we truly love in our unique expression, we find that what we love serves the world and our joy is the worlds joy and what heals us, heals each other. It is in this space that we come to understand the power of our individuality and our own soul.

Achieving universal higher-state frequency is greatly accelerated as one more easily recognizes and claims their universe citizenship. - Crystal Tones

It is important to approach ourselves holistically, and especially since time is compressing due to our ability to communicate. The energy of time is much denser and can now be used as the tool it was intended to be like never before. While it is true that clock time and the apparent limitations that it can impose seems limiting, time has given us the ability to determine what is truly precious and worthy of our focus, attention and devotion. So, it is here in this space that we stand with these new eyes, taking the gift of time to help us get clear on what we love... and it is through what we love that our soul emerges!

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi

True tribal community is where paradise is found. The memory of paradise is kept under the guardianship of our Native American Grandfathers and Grandmothers, the wisdomkeepers, who remind us that when we each know who we are, and we find our joy, then we can take our true place of honor in the community and bring glory and honor to our family, our community and to this creation. Soul's purpose expressed in beauty and creativity and joy is how we are in service to the whole, and is how we meet in tribal community. The power of ritual and ceremony in communion with our geographical tribe is what gives us the ability to be strong enough within our own ranks to truly bless the world. No longer reacting and surviving, we create our lives out of love and honor.

It is time for change, time to allow our wings to spread and to allow our soul's expression to take flight. It is in the very act of flight, our reaching out for and our movement toward what we love that draws it to us. As above, so below... Let this be...Paradise found... created. It's time to GO LIVE!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead

The Art of Truth Affirmations
I ground the Light of My Soul.
I come into a more holistic understanding of my true nature.
I live in the light of cosmic truth.
As I care for my spirit and soul, I heal my energy and therefore my body.
I draw all my energy back into myself now, so that I choose how to spend it.
I collect up my power of choice and step even more fully into free will.
I take 100% responsibility for my own life.
I take 100% responsibility to do my part to bring heaven to earth.
I am gathering strength and courage daily to be my true self.
I am discovering my higher self and the true nature of being human.
Light is my medium and Love is the magnetizing force for my creations.
I release addictions and attachment now in order to create the real thing.
I allow myself to experience and create true love in all aspects of my life.
My love is my Guide and Guardian.
Time helps me to prioritize and focus on bringing true love into my life.
As I bring true love into my life, I make heaven on earth.
My Joy brings Joy to the World.
My Peace brings Peace to the World.
My Love brings Love to the World.
My Light brings Light to the World
I am the change I wish to see in the world.
I continue to open to ever deeper levels of truth and light.
I am kind and gentle with myself and others as we grow together.
I bring heaven to earth.
I tell the truth by being true to my soul.

Thank you for your tithes and donations. -->

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

SEPTEMBER 2024: Becoming Your Higher Self

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” - Joseph Campbell

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
September 01 - Becoming Your Higher Self
September 08 - Understanding Spiritual Alchemy
September 15 - Desire to Receive In Order to Share
September 22 - Listening to your Soul
September 29 - Remembering & Becoming

Our human journey is a study in spiritual alchemy. Alchemy is the art and science of transformation, which follows a very specific and predictable set of protocols. Initially it was couched in secret, scientific encoded writings. However, many mystics have since revealed the code and applied it to the most powerful alchemical laboratory of all: the human being. As we evolve it is apparent that we are turning our base, instinctually driven nature into a fully free willed creator God... the pauper into the King or Queen... the lead of our mortal existence into the "gold" of our immortality... our body into our Soul.

“You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” - C.S. Lewis

We are always changing, yet we haven't always understood, nor recognized our changes and have even feared change.  In the past, time had been slowed and attuned by the current state of human consciousness, sometimes not allowing us to see the cause of effects enough to truly link up the truth of cause and effect. This was so for many reasons, not the least of which was to give us the gift of time so that we could discern our existence with free will, and learn, discover and grow more into the fullness of our human potential, and our powers to manifest.

“Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.” - Oscar Wilde

Time is key here as we delve into the alchemical marriage of our body/mind/soul and spirit. For it is time that draws us upward on the vertical axis of the path and subjects us to the process of spiritual alchemy. Yet, as we become more fifth dimensional, stepping outside of linear time and space, it becomes imperative to engage with time in a new way. We must have a way to routinely take stock of ourselves as we become increasingly non-linear and more holistic. The medicine wheel with it's ouroborous effect is the complete package that allows us to not only take stock, but setup milemarkers to chart and direct our own progression.

Most of our growth has come through a painful rending of old belief systems, which also tend to show up as a letting go of relationships, careers and other physical manifestations, as well as, dreams, ideas, fantasies and karmic contracts. Without knowledge of spiritual alchemy, these things might appear to make no sense, and serve to further dig us into the roles of victim and perpetrator. But once this most predictable process is realized and we see that we are literally experiencing a kind of spiritual procedure through our own crisis, we have a chance of lifting ourselves into another mode and way of being. While understanding this process from a more cosmic and spiritual evolutionary perspective might not make it immediately less painful, it can relieve any undue suffering from our misunderstanding, internalizing or confusion. Much like a midwife's job is to bring comfort to the birthing mother, by truly understanding spiritual alchemy we can comfort and prepare ourselves for what is to come.

"Where there is fear, there is power. Even fear is a friend. Transcend."  - Cora Flora

It is through the process of alchemy that our soul emerges and integrates the body and the spirit in the flesh. It is how we become like God. Yet, as we let go of our notions of who and what God is... and turn more toward our own inward journey and allowing that transformation to outwardly manifest, we come to truly know the complexities of the creator, through the gift of our Higher Self... our Holy Guardian Angel. As we entertain greater levels of freedom, we find that we are the captain of our destiny. This can seem like an overwhelming responsibility unless we are aware of the alchemical process by having a system which helps us to keep the lines of communication open between all our aspects. Containers such as meditation, medicine wheel  and Kabbalah helps us to do just that. Ultimately we do not need blind faith to proceed, for we can develop the spiritual eyes to see and the ears to hear the whisperings of our soul.

“Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see” - William Newton Clarke

We are evolving. Humanity has enough time into this process now, and the ability to communicate and compare notes, which is a part of that process itself. For as we observe ourselves and become more and more consciously aware of the depth of our own existence, we then can realize our own tempering into compassionate and loving beings of light, with great powers of healing and creativity which will allow us to fully step into our free will and choose the kind of world we will make real. We can choose heaven or hell. The power is within our hands.

“This is the ultimate end of man, to find the One which is in him; which is his truth, which is his soul; the key with which he opens the gate of the spiritual life, the heavenly kingdom.” - Rabindranath Tagore

Conversely enough, there is a divine plan however, that was agreed upon by our GodSelf to elevate humanity back to a state of re-unification in God Consciousness. The truth is that we cannot fail. Because just because we do not remember our GodSelf and our master purpose, doesn't mean that our soul doesn't remember. And this process of alchemy will birth our soul, one way or another. And when the soul comes stalking, the things we need to experience to awaken will happen.

“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” - Henry Ward Beecher

It is our work here to awaken the GodSelf within through love and awareness, and proactive midwiving of the soul's emergence. This is why our power to communicate is so important. Messengers are being sent to tell us that it does not have to be difficult. Great sacrifices have been made to ensure that each wave of souls successively has an easier birth. So we must take this great gift, awaken now and receive the grace of our existence in this moment. Let love live through us, allow our souls to emerge and heaven on earth to end the war between fear and love.
“The Great Work is a Spiritual Process. The One thing is the birth of your soul." Hermetica

☆Higher Self Affirmations☆
My Soul is preparing me to meet my Higher Self.
I am becoming my Soul.
I am inspired with the Light of the Creator to open to my full potential.
I am free to choose life.
I am free to choose love.
True freedom means free to be in the presence of the divine.
My freedom allows me to be more devoted and committed to the Light and Love of this creation.
My Spirit informs my soul every day.
I take the time to care for my soul, as I care for my body.
I honor all aspects of my being.
I am in conscious contact with my Higher Self.
I an reunited with my soul group.
I understand the great powers of a working with my soul group.
A soul group allows for the constant reflection of God/dess to be made manifest.
My soul group allows me to refine my divinity, my divine identity.
I accept my God Self.
I am loving and compassionate for this journey of becoming.
Through spiritual alchemy my soul emerges.
I am tempered through this alchemical process into a loving super-being of light.
My love is my shield and my guide.
I accept the alchemy of my addictions as part of growing and evolving.
Addictions and attachments are breaking me open and allowing me to rebirth myself.
Illness and disease calls for the awakening of the physician within.
My inner physician is activated.
I heal and inspire myself and others from the depths of my soul and heights of my spirit.
I prepare my body as a temple of God's love.
I am disciplined with  my self and soul care.
I continue to expand as a healer and lightworker.
I ground and anchor my spiritual experiences into the manifested reality.
I receive the proper support, as well as give it to others.
I release all codependent patterns.
My divinity is the Holy Grail.
My Higher Self is my Holy Guardian Angel.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

AUGUST 2024: Know Thyself

Don't shine to be seen, Shine so that others can see the way. ~ Unknown

Do you know the deeper, higher truth of who you are? Have you dared to acknowledge that there may be parts of yourself that you barely know or understand? Are you willing to allow yourself the leeway to grow, change and evolve? Do you have the courage to shine the light on your own inner being, as well as cosmic forces that are available to you? Do you ask and answer questions like these often? If you said, yes - Great! Self inquiry is an absolute necessity to begin to shine that light of yours from within.

Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?  ~Maurice Freehill 

If you see the Light, in its most practical nature, as the Truth, then you understand that enlightenment is the means by which we reveal the truth to ourselves and to the world. Yet, enlightenment is about far more than simply being honest. True enlightenment strips away all the illusions about life itself, including people, places and things, parts of our own personality and belief systems and anything else at all that is keeping us from the truth of love. It inspires us to open to our soul and it allows us to see the light in everyone and everything.

When you possess light within, you see it externally. ~Anaïs Nin

Many people try to shine a spotlight onto themselves from without, competing for attention and living in a perpetual state of lack, forgetting all about power versus force and the power of their true light.  When you absolutely know who you are, what you have to offer to the world and the importance of anchoring your God self onto this planet, then you know it's not really that much about you shining at all. It's about you becoming in alignment with your radiant God Self, so that the unique aspects of this creation that you are resonant with, can find you and we can all be re-united with the Light.

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. ~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

We are here now in a dance of shadow and light. This is a dance that we must come to enjoy. For even though we all know that the life giving light of the sun is what keeps our body and mind alive and well. It is under the cover of the night, and in the void of our own soul, where all possibility exists and the deep lake of our inner being, reflects the light of God and refracts it out into the world in a way that allows us to reveal, share and receive God's Love. This is the means by which the omnipotent forces of creation can experience itself in the material world, where we can play and have fun, creating our dreams and manifesting love without "blinding" each other with our Light. This is how we all come to shine our Light from within and live as one.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~ Marianne Williamson

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
August 04 - Know Thyself
August 11- Tools for Enlightenment
August 18 - Working with Light
August 25 - Dance of Shadow & Light

I am guided by the Light.
I am filled with the Light of the Creator.
I meditate with the Light.
As I shine the light and reflect on my life, I look for the love.
I ask what would love do?
My life is alive with the truth of my existence.
I am evolving into the full realization and becoming my soul.
My soul will set my spirit free.
My light must come through the depths of my soul.
The Light is in service to my soul.
In the darkness of my soul, all things are possible and I choose according to the desires of my heart what I will create.
I use reflection and contemplation to know myself.
I allow myself to shine.
I allow others to shine, and bask in the gifts they freely give.
I see the inner beauty of all those who surround me.
I receive the gifts of life, through all the people, places and things on my journey.
The Light destroys all illusions of love.
The Light leads me to divine love.
I am inspiring, when I am inspired.
I live an illuminated life.
I dance with shadow and light, understanding that this is how I am able to choose with my free will.
It is within the darkness, that I find the true light within.
I order to access the darkness, I turn toward my problems and issues, not away.
I face the power of my own Light within and actively work with it to dispell illusion.
Once I see the Light, I have faith that my innate wisdom will guide me to the choices that will free my soul.
As I free my mind, I free my body. As I free my heart, I free my soul.
What I love inspired and enlightens the world.
As I know myself, I know the universe.
Life is Light.
I am a being of light.