Monday, February 24, 2025


“I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking” ― Albert Einstein

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
March 02 - Sacred Art
March 09 - Unlocking the Soul
March 16 - Fae & Imagination
March 23 - Courage, Strength and Confidence
March 30 - Soulcoming

If knowing thyself is the key to life, one of the most important bits of knowledge may very well be to know what inspires us to create. What moves our souls? Sparks our creativity? Gets the ideas flowing and the heart glowing? Even if we don't exactly know, the next most important question would be... is there a willingness to explore?

“Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”  ― Walt Disney

All too often when on the spiritual path, especially as mystics who thrive on our connection to the mind of God, we sometimes don't focus on the heart of God. We forget about the Goddess. The Spirit, the lightning bolt of inspiration might fuel our visions, fill our senses and portend the ineffable, but in order to truly capture the essence of God in the physical senses we must have a sacred container to be able to connect where it counts... right here on earth! For the mystic there is truly only one logical conclusion to this conversation, as we go deeper and deeper into the divinity, we find that some form of art gives us the outlet that we need to express the inexpressable quality of the divine in the physical.

“Creativity takes courage.” ― Henri Matisse 

The role of myth and archetype, as well as angels and masters can become a tremendous influence for our creativity. These are fantastic jumping off points into the mystery void of creation, as they contain universal themes and also hold clues about ancient memories. Go with what tickles your fancy. Don't be afraid to allow whimsy and nonsense to tease out some serious art! The wonderful thing about art, contrary to popular opinion, is that you really can't do it wrong. For it is personal expression, and art does not live in time and space. Art is the language of the soul.

“The painter has the Universe in his mind and hands.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

We are all artists. We may not have fully discovered our art, but that doesn't mean that it isn't in there. And if we have discovered something of it, that does not mean that it won't change or evolve. The artists touch  is something to apply to every single aspect of life. Art is not only beautiful, touching and inspiring, it is also deeply healing. In many ways artists are healers, especially if they can get in touch with their own soul through their art. There is nothing like that moment when we see a work of art and feel the recognition of a kindred spirit resonating with us. This is true joy as our own soul is reflected back to us in a way that articulates somestimes something lost in ourselves. We are so grateful when our deepest, innermost soulful notions can find expression. there is a soul satisfaction in this, an understanding of the kindred spirits, that might well be an art form unto itself. The art of Kin.

“There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.”  ― Pablo Picasso

One of our biggest blocks to creativity is what we think about how we feel. All too often I have seen serene, happy people become critical, anxious, and self-effacing during the creative process. Some of that is an over-active inner critic, or triggers from childhood, but much of it is discomfort with long suppressed sexual energy, as the creative process is re-engaged and re-routed into the form of creating art. For sexual energy and creativity go hand in hand, and often the baby has been thrown out with the bathwater. As we have repressed and misunderstood sexuality, as we have been immersed in the world of control, we have metered and rationed the very energy that we need to create with.

“The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.” ― Pablo Picasso

Working with our artistry is crucial to ultimate healing, and our soul's emergence and evolution. No matter what we are creating, the very act of relaying that creative energy into a new channel sends a powerful message to the psyche. Even the smallest project could have big energy opening impact on other aspects of our life. Allowing the soul this expression pleases the Goddess within, and the muse will smile upon us, as one flash of inspiration gives way to a whole series of lightbulb ideas, and then another, and another, as we continue to give ourselves creative license.

“If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.”  ― Ken Robinson, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

As we develop the courage, the strength and the confidence to tap into our imagination and activate our imaginal cells, that part of us that looks like a question mark, we influence the power of our soul to come forth. They mystic within, the part of us that braves the mystery of our own selves is never happier when the fear of going into the void of creation is richly rewarded with synchronicity, divine conversation and inspirational wisdom. It is through this way of being that we can turn our entire lives into a masterpiece, especially if we allow ourselves to keep finding new avenues or going deeper with the artistry of our self-expression.

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.”  ― Osho

It is through this trust in ourselves as creator gods in the making that we truly can come to know God, and actually find expression for divine love. As we allow the mind and the heart of the higher powers of the universe inspire and guide us, our creativity takes on new meaning even to ourselves, offering brilliant, out of the box solutions to long standing issues and concerns not only in our lives, but in the world, as we tap into the prodigy within. He or She is in there. We have only to keep exploring and allowing that one to emerge into the light of our soul, and fearlessly enter the unknown. As they say, keep on until you surprise yourself.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” ― Martha Graham

March Affirmations
As I go into the depths of my soul, I am inspired and restored.
My true creative powers come from the realizations of my God Self.
My soul is a Great Mystery to me.
I am comfortable with mystery and excited to learn more about who I am.
I am curious about the world and enjoy experiencing this creation.
I am willing to step out of the box with my creative endeavors.
My life become a masterpiece of my divinity.
I see beauty in everything.
As I look through God's eyes, I witness miracles of creation every moment.
I allow myself to be inspired by others and their art.
I inspire others with my art.
I bring the sacred into the artistry of my life.
I create with my hands something beautiful.
My hands are the extension of my heart.
I address the critic within by making art anyway.
I identify where the critic is coming from and send lovingkindness.
I listen to suggestions to improve and further develop my art.
I collaborate to create art.
I look for inspiration in unexpected places.
I stock my life with chances to be inspired by other creative people.
I soak in the beauty of life.
I am moved through my emotions to creative expression.
I allow my emotions to heal through my creativity.
Art infuses my life with creative solutions on every front.
Every day is an opportunity to create something beautiful.
I enjoy sharing my art with the world.
Art can heal my life by putting me in touch with my soul.
Art reveals the mystery of my soul.
My art and the art of othes helps me connect and communicate with my own great mystery.
I am a creator God in the making.
In truth I am creating all the time.
I am willing to look at what it truly is that I am creating.
Do I create joy and beauty, or do I create suffering?
The more I understand my powers of creation, the more I am inspired to be creative.
I am willing to become responsible for what I create.
I am a creative expression for the divine Will to Good.
My life is my art.