“You are truly wealthy when you have something that money cannot buy." - Unknown
SUNDAY TALKS with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
Feb 2 - Abundance of Love
Feb 9 - The Dance of Yin & Yang
Feb 16 - Your Soul is your Super Power
Feb 23 - Prosperity Consciousness
Many think only of money when pondering abundance and prosperity. But few would disagree that the first abundance is love. But what do most of us really know of the true nature of love? Many have spent a lifetime learning what love is not. Now the challenge is on to really take ourselves individually, and as a whole to the next levels of love. Our poverty will not uplift, enrich, support or create life. But our poverty observed has the potential to enlighten and teach us, and help us transcend belief systems surrounding lack and limitation, and allow ourselves to receive and create a life of true abundance, filled with love and blessings of all things needful.
“Life in abundance comes only through great love.” ~ Elbert Hubbard
Throughout our lives love takes many forms, assumes many faces, and takes us places both inwardly and outwardly that stretch and grow us. Always opening us to experience the unloveable, to allow us to create the space for true love and true abundance to enter our hearts, and infuse our lives.When we realize and truly open to the absolute abundance of love, it has no choice but to outpicture in our lives.
"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." - Wayne Dyer
As we fill our daily existence with more expressions and opportunities to show love the universe responds. Lack is released and old belief systems about love, spirituality and religion, divinity, sexuality, partnership, friendship and prosperity start to shift and move, quake beneath our feet.
"Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
As we come to the realization that we are love, by practicing the art of love, new ideas and needs come into play that support the desire to release limiting beliefs, most especially about money. Money seems to be the paper equivalent of dynamite. If we hold and handle it correctly, with consciousness, care and respect, it can be utilized to great effect... but one false move... and boom.... total devastation. As with all things of great power this is true. Yet, if we kill the messenger, we never get the message. So what is the message of money?
“People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of win-lose. There is only so much; and if someone else has it, that means there will be less for me. The more principle-centered we become, the more we develop an abundance mentality, the more we are genuinely happy for the successes, well-being, achievements, recognition, and good fortune of other people. We believe their success adds to…rather than detracts from…our lives.” ~ Stephen R. Covey
As we heal our relationship with money, and understand the energetics behind the paper and metal, we realize that we have been practicing with real world playthings that allow us to see how we are handling our dynamite... before it could blow us to bits. And some of us do get blown to bits, and in the process are released from the stranglehold of the little ego and the cosmic belief systems that have come to be attached to the money wound.
"Abundance doesn't follow giving until giving becomes its own reward." -Jan Denise
Money, like all things of great potential tempts and calls us out like nothing else, with the exception of sex. Yet, we cannot blame the temptor. For if we do, we fall prey to the perpetuation of the old belief systems that say that money is bad, sex is bad and having alot of anything is bad. Inherently this is both true and false. It is a paradox. For we are really handing it to ourselves, testing ourselves and working with our own ability to release our selfish separate selves that are driven by lack.
"The universe operates through dynamic exchange… giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. and in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives." ~Deepak Chopra
Our soul's are stalking us. The different aspects of ourselves are weighing in, counterbalancing and allowing us to attenuate the expression of our soul in the physical. So the truth is that while we are lost in lack and fear, we may well stay there... or by sheer force of will manhandle our way to apparent wealth. But the underlying energies of lack will remain no matter what has outpictured. For we do have the ability to work our will through the distortion of whatever belief system we are running it through.
“The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little.” ~ Ben Sweetland
“The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little.” ~ Ben Sweetland
As we continue to learn our lessons about proper energy management, and continue to open up to the glory of our own soul, we will ultimately begin to find our place, amongst our people, the world, and the entire cosmos. When we open up to the limitlessness of our soul, we find that unlike the body, the soul and the spirit are not bound up in lack. Yes, the soul may throw limitation our way, but it is largely for purposes of exploration and getting our priorities aligned with our purpose. When the soul's expression comes to meet the desire to receive in order to share, a very big vortex of power begins to open within the mind, body, heart and soul connection to Spirit. And suddenly one day through this new, high and vital energy our perception shifts, and we realize that the Light, God, Love and Money are all connected.
“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” ~ Buddha
As the realization unfolds and we actually perceive this not only inwardly, but outwardly, as well, our earthly possessions of all forms, including our money, talents, work, energy, our light and our love go back from whence they came, and our absolute desire is to use the great gifts we've been given, in service to the Light and to bring even more love, joy, abundance and peace, creativity to the planet. Furthermore, we come to the realization that our abundance was always there, and that all we have done is released the belief systems of lack and limitation, not because we've been wrong, but because we are ready to do more, take on more response-ability to bring love, and to allow ourselves to belong to the world.
This is true love... and that is true abundance. We do not attract what we want, we attract what we are. The power that is within us is beyond our conscious grasp, early in our human development. But when it is time to fly and we find our compassion and love for life has given our heart wings.
I see all the blessings that are bestowed upon me.
When I can see my blessings, I am grateful.
I do the work to see the light in my life.
It is my hearts desire to connect with the light of my soul.
The light of my soul guides me to my true calling.
My true calling knows no lack or limitation.
I no longer see limitation as lack.
I fill my heart with love and peace.
As I create with my hands my life is infused with creativity.
My creativity allows for positive expression.
I send blessings for the abundance of the world.
I am happy for others who are abundant.
I feel abundant in the Spirit.
I allow the abundance of Spirit to enter my heart.
As the abundance of Spirit enters my heart I am overflowing with love.
I open to more creative and responsible ways to express my soul and serve the world.
I am a New World Server who brings the Light and the Love of Creator to the earth.
As we formulate, invent, and create new energy becomes available to us all.
Our creations are connected.
When I am creative, I silently give others permission to create.
I am abundant in all things needful, both spiritual and material.
I am open to receiving what is necessary to continue in my life's mission.
My life mission and my purpose are important to us all.
As I step into my life purpose, I am instantly abundant.
I give to others that which I value in my life.
I activate the desire to receive in order to share.
I turn my physical bounty into spiritual gold.
As my purpose is realized I become responsive to the needs of my mission.
Generosity of Spirit and Gratitude for life is my True Abundance.
My abundance is backed in spiritual gold.
The currency of abundance is true love.
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