Thursday, December 20, 2012

Reiki: The Art of Channeling Grace

“You were born with wings,
why prefer to crawl through life?” ― Rumi

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy" that can be channeled through a simple process of intention and hands on healing. Once initiated, Reiki energy governs itself to go where it is needed in the mind/body system. Anyone can receive Reiki treatments and anyone can become activated to channel Reiki, through a series of attunements and initiations. Reiki is a powerful natural practice that unlocks and releases the flow of chi within both the receiver and the giver.

One of the most powerful ways that Reiki restores well-being is that is helps calm the central nervous system, which re-established the mind-body-spirit connection that is so critical to health. Once the nervous system is truly relaxed and calm, the body's own inner physician can begin to do its work in healing and energizing the body. As tension is released in a gentle and controlled way, the effects of stress may be prevented from manifesting in the body. It is also a wonderful technique to control anxiety as it gently calms the mind and emotions. It can synchronize and energize acupressure meridians while gently balancing and aligning the energy systems of the body. Quite simply, Reiki is a way to connect with an infinite supply of intelligent, vital life force energy which can be a catalyst for healing and empowerment of self and others.

Many people feel as though they already have the power to channel healing or spiritual energy. And while this is true, once a person becomes "committed" and "matured" in their desire to actively use energy healing as a way of life, the natural progression, as with all things of great importance to humans, is to be witnessed and formally initiated by another human, who holds the same power. The handing down, from one human to another, of knowledge and signs is an important part of many spiritual activations. Reiki is no different.

Usui ReikiMaster/Teacher, Rev. Renee Bledsoe is dedicated to bringing energy medicine practices, such as Reiki into the mainstream as an accepted modality in complimentary and integrated medicine care. It is her passion to help others learn about and become empowered to work with energy medicine, by inspiring them to feel comfortable and safe as they explore the mysterious world of energy and spiritual forces. By teaching Reiki in a practical and hands-on way, as well as combining it with other modalities, the new practictioner can become quite adept in a short period of time to be and remain confident to do energy work. Reiki students also have a great deal of ongoing support through the Church of Spiritual Light and the programming offered through the People Shine Project, to assist in their journey of personal growth and spiritual development.

For more information about Reiki and upcoming classes, please visit or contact Rev. Renee at 239-560-6314
The class schedule is also on the calendar at

Friday, December 7, 2012

12.12.12 Sacred Ceremony

Join us for our special gathering to honor the new energies of 12.12.12.that are building all around us. These are important times and there's no better way to get centered than through meditation, diksha blessings and crystals bowls! We normally have the Illumination Meditation and Pure Light Blessing every Wednesday, but on 12.12.12 we're going to be expanding our evening just a bit to include a some sacred altar work and crystal bowls. (We will be seated for the crystal bowls, but please dress comfortably).

Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 7-9pm
Hosted at: Church of Spiritual Light, 1939 Park Meadows Dr., #1, Fort Myers, FL 33907
Facilitated by Rev. Renee Bledsoe
Cost: $10

Monday, December 3, 2012

New Earth Rising Solstice & Aquarian Ceremony

Join us for this sacred, celebratory ceremony and ritual to honor the Winter Solstice and welcome in the New Earth and the beginning of the new Aquarian Age. We will be opening and anchoring the great potential for power that is being born at this time. As the New Earth Energies are Rising up in our lives we are inspired and enlightened to newer, deeper, higher levels of love, compassion, grace, creativity, abundance, peace and joy.

Please dress in accordance with an attitude of respect and devotion and prepare your body and mind for a Light Activation of New Earth energies. You will be handed down an Atlantean ritual to support your journey in 2013. As we re-attune our energies to the waters of the soul in the Age of Aquarius (the Waterbearer), we recall the ancients and their wisdom back into our life. 

This ceremony is facilitated by Rev. Renee Bledsoe and Eva Stulb
Hosted at: Church of Spiritual Light, 1939 Park Meadows Dr. #1, Fort Myers, FL 33907
Please RSVP to Rev. Renee at 239-560-6314 or send email to
There will be light, healthy refreshment and eatables.
Cost: $25 (Donation to CoSL)

December 2012: New Earth Rising

We have the great priviledge of being alive during the shifting of an age. Many of us remember hearing a very popular song from the 60's - it's refrain now passing out of the realm of art and entertainment into true life - for what we surely are witnessing is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, and its promise of peace and plenty.

“Even truth needs to be clad in new garments if it is to appeal to a new age.” - Georg Lichtenberg

Aquarius is the water bearer and is symbol is represented by a man pouring water out of a jug. Yet, Aquarius is an air element. It could be said that we are now entering a time, where our heads and our hearts will finally find greater connection and fuller expression. In a sense, this sign of the times is literally informing us that our enlightenment and our mental power is not complete without the magic of our heart and soul.

"If luck means being in the right place at the right time,…..being in the right place at the right time is actually all about being in the right state of mind."  - Richard Wiseman

We are looking at not just a shift in an astrological age, but truly a shift in consciousness. We have already been witnessing this shift. There has been an awakening of souls, some through spiritual emergency and crisis, and some through pure grace. However it comes, it is coming for anyone who can let go and get into the flow. Gary Zukav in his book, Seat of the Soul, reminds us that new multi-sensory aspects of the human condition are coming online for everyone. And it is what we choose to do with those upgrades to our ability to communicate with each other, with nature and with the Universe itself and the powers that be, that will tell the tale of our ability to create a golden age.

“To recognize one's own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence.”  ― Eckhart Tolle

Never before in the history of the planet has so very much of the world been able to directly communicate in the physical. This has changed everything and made things possible that would not have been possible. This rapid communication has actually affected time and has been and will continue to change the way we work with time. This has the potential to affect us in ways that we may not yet be able to comprehend. As the Mayans have been teaching us, time is to be respected and consciously worked with, including seasonal energies, cosmic and astrological forces, as well as our personal relationship with time and implications of an advanced means of relating to time.

“If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best.” ― Neale Donald Walsch

The earth is changing and so are we. As more and more people become conscious of the power of intent and actively communicating with the earth, the planets, nature, animals, guides and guardians, and of course each other, we must hold the space for the wisdom of the ages, the insights and the teachings that have rolled forward through humanity and the human condition to nourish and advance us. This is our soul's emergence on the planet and in the flesh.

“You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.”  ― Eckhart Tolle

There is still much to be done, and it is all a labor of love. For never before has there been so much hope for healing, enlightenment, joy, peace, abundance and love for so many. Even the possibility of the dawning of a new age has begun to have an impact on the way that many of us now see the world. For we are seeing with clearer vision, higher hopes and open hearts.  And so it is being re-membered how to walk the sacred way, the beauty way as we feel it in our bones, this New Earth Rising.

“Your life is your spiritual path.” ― Sandy Nathan

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
December 09 - New Earth Rising
December 16 - Working with Spiritual Guides
December 23 - Sacred Circle Altar - Winter Solstice - Christmas Ceremony
December 30 - Time is Love, So Be Here Now

New Earth Rising Affirmations
I am envisioning a new earth.
The new earth is filled with love, creativity and joy.
I face my fears and release the path of suffering.
I embrace the gift of life.
My joy is the joy of the world.
My peace brings peace to the world.
I honor and acknowledge my ancestors.
I understand the role my ancestors have played in my life and this creation.
I tap into the deep magic of creation.
I recognize my powers of manifestion.
I refine my connection to Spirit and to my own soul.
Through my heart connections I create my life in love.
I am filled with inspiration, creativity and solutions.
I see myself at the center of the universe.
When I find my medicine, my power, I am centered in my heart.
My heart is the gateway to my soul.
My soul is emerging.
The new earth energies are supporting our journey to bring heaven to earth.
I re-enter the garden of earthly delights with the full understanding that this manifestation is so that I can express and experience true love.
I make choices based in love.
I see all people, places and things through the eyes of love.
I take part in actively creating the New Earth.
I am Home.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 2012: Restoration of the Soul

November 2012: Restoration of the Soul

The time of the soul's renewal and restoration is upon us. The world is moving in such a way as to perfectly align with the timing of this re-birthing of our higher, deeper selves. We now have and actually have had, the support of the cosmos for the soul and consequently the spiritual emergence of our true being. We are rapidly becoming. And like all overnight successes, these changes within us have been hard won and a long time coming!

"You think the shadow is the substance. Every moment I shape my destiny with a chisel. I am the carpenter of my soul."- Rumi

But what does the new earth look like? How will we be different? What will change? The asking of questions is perhaps one of the most prominent hallmarks of the new age. The asking of a question is both masculine and feminine - perfectly balance if asked correctly and with true openness and humility. Once you start asking questions, you have truly begun to engage in the creation of your life through the power of your freed will. Honest inquiry is the first step to wholeness, with it's infusion of innocence and wonder, putting a crack of light into our linear thought patterns, know it all boxed in approach or just plain arrogance and ignorance. Questions are the key to the release of the ego's stranglehold.

"Why am I seeking? I am the same as he. His essence speaks through me. I have been looking for myself. What you seek is seeking you." - Rumii

So now that you have truly begun an open inquiry, the call is to start listening, smelling and seeing... not just with the five senses, but with your spiritual senses, your intuition, your third eye and your deep insight. It is time to engage with the world through your multi-sensory self and activate the parts of you that can apprehend the hidden, magical inner workings of your own soul and the universe. Let the physical world begin a new kind of conversation with you. It is far more alive and responsive than you may truly realize, bridging both the spiritual/metaphysical and the physical worlds.  And when it begins to speak back to you, as you ask your questions, in ways that maybe only you can understand, you will be in awe of this living cosmos, as we realize that all things contain a spiritual essence.

"We are each others' search for what's between our mirrors. He is like a man using a candle to lood for the sun." - Rumii

Soon after this type of communication is engaged, you may find yourself struggling with your thoughts and mental powers and wondering where "what you think" fits into this new mode and way of being. While there is no doubt that spiritual message can come through your mind and your thoughts, the practice of listening through all the spiritual senses relieves your mind of its former burden of being your sole informant (no pun intended). Your mind can now become in service to your soul, instead of the other way around. Prove it to yourself how beautiful it is to live as your soul. Let your soul come home. Give your soul, your spiritual senses, other intelligences and divine will a chance to inform your life.

"God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites so that you will have two wings to fly, not one." - Rumii

Once you live in the magic, you won't want to go back to linear life. Once the joy, the beauty and the bounty of this universe is more fully revealed to you, you won't be able to unsee what you have seen. The time is here to let time work for us. We will no longer be working for time. As we come to deeper and more profound revelations about who and what we truly are the soul comes alive. And as the soul comes alive, the Spirit is made flesh... and as the Spirit is made flesh... Heaven is upon the earth....

And when Heaven is upon the earth...there is true Love...

"Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness." - Rumii

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
November 04 - Restoration of the Soul
November 11 - Creating Your Soul Space
November 18 - Sacred Circle Altar - Thanksgiving Ceremony
November 25 - True Love Revealed



I open to the language of my soul.
I am filled with the Light of the creator.
I resource myself with breath and light.
I take care of my body as an extension of my soul.
I use the mirror of my relationships to discover and heal my soul.
I clear and heal myself so that I can stand before others and mirror wholeness.
My wholeness is my perfection.
When I totally accept myself in the moment, I am whole.
Wholeness leads to wellness.
I heal myself and this world through my perfect love.
Love is patient.
I am devoted to the Light.
I am devoted to my soul.
I express my soul's desires.
What I seek is seeking me.
I am a mirror for the Light.
I become transparent to negativity and suffering.
I see the world through the eyes of compassion.
I am a witness to my own wholeness.
All is perfect in this moment.
I am guided moment by moment along the path of liberation.
I am free to choose love.
I raise my vibration with music and positive affirmations.
I live in the magic.
I allow my life to teach me how to love.
I love myself.
I restore my soul.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thanksgiving Potluck Feast 2012

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart 

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012
Thanksgiving Day - 4-7pm

Church of Spiritual Light presents the 2012 Thanksgiving Feast and Giveaway Ceremony. Please bring your favorite holiday dish to share, as well as a small gift which will be given away to honor a very special sacred ancient ritual to show gratitude for our blessings. The gift can be anything that has meaning to you, including feathers, stones, figurines or sacred objects. In order to honor the energy it should be something that you love and not a cast off item.

The potlatch is a festival or ceremony practiced among Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest most prominently. At these gatherings a family or leader hosts guests in their family's house and hold a feast for their guests. The main purpose of the potlatch is the re-distribution and reciprocity of wealth. The word potlatch comes from the Chinook jargon, meaning "to give away" or "a gift".

Help us coordinate our feast and call Rev. Renee at 239-560-6314. Everyone is welcome!

Church of Spiritual Light, 1939 Park Meadows Dr. #1, Fort Myers, FL 33907

Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man

“Only by melting the Ice in the Heart of Man does Man have a chance to change and begin using his knowledge wisely.”

Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq
Eskimo-Kalaallit Elder, Shaman, Teacher, Healer

October 29 & 30 
Monday & Tuesday Evening   6-10pm

You are invited to a very special opportunity to receive healing, empowerment and heart opening! These evenings with Angaangaq will be an experience like no other. As he perceives your being, reads your energy and touches your soul, shifts will occur. If you allow it, patterns dissolve, emotions release, and an increase in vitality and well-being will be experienced. The powerful vibrations of his voice and Qilaut drum open spaces within us, inner strengths are rediscovered.

Hosted at: Church of Spiritual Light
1939 Park Meadows Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33907

Fee: $175 both evenings  or 
$100 one evening

To Register Contact:
Judi Macy 239-218-1961 

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 2012: The Way of the Tao

The Universe is alive, filled with life force, Qi, Spirit or energy. The rhythm of life has a breath, just as we and all living creatures do. As we are opening and creating space which ‘attracts’ and fills our life with new creations, in other ways we find we are then closing or restricting the space, which releases or transforms things in our life that are coming to a close. The Universe and we are continually flowing, flexible and moving.

The Tao Te Ching says: "Even the greatest storm eventually abates and peace and tranquility are returning." Notice that this doesn't say,"returns" which has an implication of finality to it. It says "returning" which recognizes and reconciles with the cyclical, circular nature of the Tao. Duality is transformed into the third thing, which is a direct result of the synergy of the two and in this way wholeness becomes realized as a living, dynamic creation.

The Tao begot one.
One begot two.
Two begot three.
And three begot the ten thousand things. Tao Te Ching - Number 42

With this concept of being part of the whole, while always transforming you will see everything and everyone in you…. and vice versa, you will see yourself in everything and everyone! Nothing, or no one is set apart or ‘special’, any other thought or action is misaligned and goes directly against the understanding of the flow of Qi and Tao. The Cosmos does not discriminate or make things worse or better for one over another. It simply flows in balance and harmony. It is non-judgmental, bares no grudges and does not hold on to anything. It arrives and departs in its own time, just when and where it is needed.

Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightment. Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self needs strength.
He who knows he has enough is rich. Perseverance is a sign of will power.
He who stays where he is endures. To die but not to perish is to be eternally present.   Tao Te Ching Number 33

This concept of allowing can be extremely challenging to understand, trust and accept for the western mind. We have been conditioned to be pro-active, set goals and use ‘force’ and personal willpower to make things happen in the way we desire. We have manifested many things by force and many could argue that it had to be this way. But we may never know what we lost out on by forcing our will, or what price we have paid as our lives become out of balance. We may not even know what it is that we truly would like to create, because we do not know ourselves. We may not realize how we have misaligned with Qi, and gotten in our own way causing the very things we are trying to avoid such as loss, delays and failure. Yet, the Tao returns an equal opportunity at every turn to the art of allowing even in apparent 'error".

Teaching without words and work without doing
Are understood by very few.    Tao Te Ching  Number 43

The Tao is based in trust and allowing that the Cosmos/Universe will provide what is needed when it is needed. As we engage in this experience of manifestation, we find it to be a much more centered, joyful, richer, rewarding and collaborative creative process. As we enter this new age that holds such a tremendous potential for more peace, abundance and love than possibly at anytime in our human history, we realize on whole new levels the implications of the "journey being the destination". For as we open to the fullest experiences of this creation we find that we gravitate toward the fulfillment of our divinity through our oneness. The wisdom of the Way of the Tao will become the standard for living a whole, healthy, happy life.

In the universe the difficult things are done as if they are easy.
In the universe great acts are made up of small deeds.
The sage does not attempt anything very big,
And thus achieves greatness.  Tao Te Ching - Number 63

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
October 07 - Oneness:The Way of the Tao
October 14 - Indra's Net: Understanding the Holographic Universe
October 21 - Manifesting with the Tao
October 28 - Sacred Circle Altar - Honoring & Healing the Ancestral Karmic Lineage

Tao Affirmation

I am one with all.
All is One.
I am peaceful.
I am flowing.
I allow the third thing that is wanting expression to come alive.
I see the perfection in all that is.
I practice the art of allowing.
I am enough.
I have enough.
I have all that I need in this moment.
Each moment brings something new.
I pay attention to the new that is constantly being born.
I breathe life, as life breathes through me.
Everything and everyone is a part of me.
I am a part of everything and everyone.
Peace and tranquility are always returning to me.
I am at one with the present moment.
I sit in stillness and experience the golden silence.
I open my mind to the way of the Tao.
I tap into the divine mind of the Tao to better understand myself and this creation.
I embrace the death, rebirth and renewal of my life's journey.
I experience new modes and ways of being through the beginner's mind.
I am willing to learn, un-learn and re-learn.

All is as it should be in this moment.
The way of the Tao is within me.
The universe expresses through me.
I am one with life.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

30 Shamanic Questions Discussion Group

30 Shamanic Questions for Humanity
Dismantle Your Old Ego Identity And Recover Your Original Soul Purpose
Facilitated by Peggy Bridenbaker

Awaken the shaman within with The 30 Shamanic Questions, written by Linda Star Wolf. These ques­tions are called shamanic because they are designed to serve as a guide to the process of letting go of old ego attach­ments (a symbolic death) and moving into a rebirth expe­ri­ence. A Shaman is often called a Wounded Healer — one who has learned how to heal himself of the pain of life’s expe­ri­ences and shares the wisdom gained from those expe­ri­ences with others.

The 30 Shamanic Questions have spread like wild­fire around this coun­try and to several other coun­tries includ­ing Bermuda, Germany, England and Australia. They have found their way to those who are ready to heal and become more of who they really are. If The 30 Shamanic Questions have found their way into your hands and heart that it is not by acci­dent and may be an answer to a prayer.

This class is facilitated by Peggy Bridenbaker, who is bringing this class to Church of Spiritual Light through the People Shine Project.

Peggy is a:
Certified Advanced DNA ThetaHealing® Practioner
Certified ReikiMaster - Level III Practioner
Initiated Sai Maa Pure Light Diksha Blessing Giver
Addiction Alchemy® Recovery Medicine Wheel Guide
People Shine Project® Facilitator

Peggy is also in training to become a certified Shamanic Breathwork practitioner and an ordained Shamamic Minister, through Venus Rising Association.

You can purchase the book (but do not need it to begin)
Click here to purchase online:
For more information you may contact Peggy at 239-470-1457 or visit her website at 

Every Thursday 7pm
Location: Church of Spiritual Light, 1939 Park Meadows Dr. #1, Ft. Myers, FL 33907
Cost: $5 (donated to space)

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga Series : Shedding the Old and Letting Go 
with Jennifer Parkinson - Wednesday's at 9:30am $10

Kundalini Yoga, called the Yoga of Awareness, was kept very secret until 1969 when it was brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan. The practice of Kundalini Yoga and meditation is said to be 16 times more powerful than traditional hatha yoga and works directly with “Kundalini” which is the coiled serpent energy of pure, creative potential that normally lies dormant at the base of the spine. As we progress on a spiritual path, this energy can be awakened through specific sequences called “kriyas” and used to achieve specific effects, whether it is opening the heart, strengthening the nervous system, shifting addictive patterns, clearing the aura, or healing specific organs and glands.

Kundalini yoga classes are a dynamic blend of postures, breathing, mantra, music and meditation, which teach you the art of relaxation, self-healing and elevation. Balancing body and mind enables you to experience the clarity and beauty of your soul.

Each class  is designed to give you “hands on” experience of your highest consciousness so that you can “uncoil” your Highest Self to reach your potential.  Kundalini Yoga is much more than just a system of physical exercises. It is a dynamic, powerful tool for expanding awareness and connecting with Infinite Wisdom. It is designed for householders-people who have to cope with the daily challenges and stresses of holding jobs,,raising families, and managing businesses. Kundalini Yoga is for everyone who wants the skills to cope successfully with the challenges of living in the Aquarian Age.

Contact Jen Parkinson at
Location: Church of Spiritual Light, 1939 Park Meadows Dr. #1, Ft. Myers, FL 33907 (map)

Sponsored by People Shine Project

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 2012; A Star is Born

Chances are, if you are reading this, if you are here and interested in the Light, you are a modern mystic, a seeker of truths, sacred insights and deep magic. Maybe you're even a wisdomkeeper yourself! It didn't used to be "safe" to own any of that. In fact, it used to be quite detrimental to one's health to be entertaining such an intimate relationship with the divine. But the world is fast becoming a different place. The tipping point has been reached and now the correction has begun.

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”  ― Carl Sagan

We are at a very delicate stage of our human evolutionary development, both as a whole and as individuals. We have enough consciousness now and enough layers of denial removed to realize the extent of what humanity has been through. Most of us have processed gallons of grief, boatloads of anger and gigawatts of rage. Some of us have done so much clearing that we are starting to have past life recollections and visions on a regular basis. Some of us are developing the new skills that will soon be coming online for everyone such as increased psychism, heightened empathic senses, and mediumship including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. This will bring us to yet a whole new set of issues to be dealt with.

"Not just beautiful, though--the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they're watching me.”  ― Haruki Murakami

One of the most wonderful and powerful gifts that are coming to more and more people is the power to channel their spiritual guides, which include ascended masters, ancestors, animal spirits and angels, in addition to our Higher Selves and our own soul! When we begin to take this communication seriously everything changes. These guides and guardians exist to help us. When we don't call on them, or take them seriously we are denying ourselves the deep magic. For it is these beings who guide us through the dimensional gateways to higher consciousness and help us anchor it with meaning into our lives!

“The stars in the nite shone above her. The stars deep within shone inside her. Melding and lighting the darkness, the holiness danced within. ” ~Terri St. Cloud.

As all of these strange new human qualities emerge, we need a great deal of support. It is important to receive that support so that we can help each other stay grounded in our ascension process. After all, we're not leaving the planet, we are shifting and changing, just as Gaia is shifting and changing. We are connected and that has never been more apparent. It's time to let your own radiant soul have authority over your life. It's time to trust these parts of yourself that have been long hidden. It's a great mystery how the soul emerges and it is a process to be respected and revered. New earth is taking hold and it's now time to let your own Star Be Born.

"The mind, this globe of awareness, is a starry universe that when you push off with your foot, a thousand new roads become clear, as you yourself do at dawn, sailing through the light." ~Rumi

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
September 02 - A Star Is Born
September 09 - Owning Your Super Powers
September 16 - Spiritual Partnerships
September 23 - Sacred Circle Altar - Fall Equinox - Practical Magic
September 30 - Church Service held at Mother of God House of Prayer 
17880 Cypress Creek Rd. Alva, FL 33920  Get Map

A Star is Born Affirmations
I am awakening to the fullness of my soul.
I accept the beauty of my journey.
My story is woven into the fabric of life.
I walk this earth in a sacred manner.
I let my light shine.
I help others to shine their light.
What I love will help and heal the world.
The universe is watching and waiting for me to fully engage in life!
When I am joyfully creating, I bring the vibration of joy to all.
My gratitude and appreciation brings a glow to my heart.
I look for creative ways to express my gratitude.
My love is my art.
Time stands still when I am creating from my heart.
I have the courage to try new things.
I do what I think I cannot do.
I face my life with positivity and excitement.
I embrace the unknown and open to the Great Mystery.
I am in awe at the miracles that unfold in my life when I trust.
I allow love to live through me.
When I surrender to my soul, I come alive!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Enter the Garden Retreat

Discover where you are on the Path of Love…

Join us to Unlock the Mystery of your Sacred Self and gain access to a life of empowerment.

During this very intimate weekend retreat, we will explore the physical realm of security, desire and purpose to see where we are anchored in our world and where we are in a holding pattern.

We will move from the outer to our inner world to see how we relate to ourselves, to others and to Spirit.  These Sacred Relationships test us, support us and foster our growth, helping us to find our Voice and Life Purpose. 

We will see how the Holy Trinity of Divine Intelligence, Divine Love and Divine Presence unite in our energy fields as we learn to master each part of ourselves. 

We are coming online to a higher level of being, to a more fully actualized human.  See how the beautiful Divine Plan and Organization of Energy of which you are made is the perfect vehicle for your enlightenment! 

For full details visit

Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 2012: Shine Your Light from Within

Don't shine to be seen, Shine so that others can see the way. ~ Uknown

Do you know the deeper, higher truth of who you are? Have you dared to acknowledge that there may be parts of yourself that you barely know or understand? Are you willing to allow yourself the leeway to grow, change and evolve? Do you have the courage to shine the light on your own inner being, as well as cosmic forces that are available to you? Do you ask and answer questions like these often? If you said, yes - Great! Self inquiry is an absolute necessity to begin to shine that light of yours from within.

Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?  ~Maurice Freehill 

If you see the Light, in its most practical nature, as the Truth, then you understand that enlightenment is the means by which we reveal the truth to ourselves and to the world. Yet, enlightenment is about far more than simply being honest. True enlightenment strips away all the illusions about life itself, including people, places and things, parts of our own personality and belief systems and anything else at all that is keeping us from the truth of love. It inspires us to open to our soul and it allows us to see the light in everyone and everything.

When you possess light within, you see it externally. ~Anaïs Nin

Many people try to shine a spotlight onto themselves from without, competing for attention and living in a perpetual state of lack, forgetting all about power versus force and the power of their true light.  When you absolutely know who you are, what you have to offer to the world and the importance of anchoring your God self onto this planet, then you know it's not really that much about you shining at all. It's about you becoming in alignment with your radiant God Self, so that the unique aspects of this creation that you are resonant with, can find you and we can all be re-united with the Light.

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. ~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

We are here now in a dance of shadow and light. This is a dance that we must come to enjoy. For even though we all know that the life giving light of the sun is what keeps our body and mind alive and well. It is under the cover of the night, and in the void of our own soul, where all possibility exists and the deep lake of our inner being, reflects the light of God and refracts it out into the world in a way that allows us to reveal, share and receive God's Love. This is the means by which the omnipotent forces of creation can experience itself in the material world, where we can play and have fun, creating our dreams and manifesting love without "blinding" each other with our Light. This is how we all come to shine our Light from within and live as one.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ~ Marianne Williamson

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
August 05 - Shine Your Light From Within
August 12 - Tools for Enlightenment
August 19 - Working with Light
August 26- Once in a Blue Moon

I am guided by the Light.
I am filled with the Light of the Creator.
I meditate with the Light.
As I shine the light and reflect on my life, I look for the love.
I ask what would love do?
My life is alive with the truth of my existence.
Life is Light.
I am a being of light.
I am evolving into the full realization and becoming my soul.
My soul will set my spirit free.
My light must come through the depths of my soul.
The Light is in service to my soul.
In the darkness of my soul, all things are possible and I choose according to the desires of my heart what I will create.
I use reflection and contemplation to know myself.
I allow myself to shine.
I allow others to shine, and bask in the gifts they freely give.
I see the inner beauty of all those who surround me.
I receive the gifts of life, through all the people, places and things on my journey.
The Light destroys all illusions of love.
The Light leads me to divine love.
I am inspiring, when I am inspired.
I live an illuminated life.
I dance with shadow and light, understanding that this is how I am able to choose with my free will.
It is within the darkness, that I find the true light within.
I order to access the darkness, I turn toward my problems and issues, not away.
I face the power of my own Light within and actively work with it to dispell illusion.
Once I see the Light, I have faith that my innate wisdom will guide me to the choices that will free my soul.
As I free my mind, I free my body. As I free my heart, I free my soul.
I am a radiant Light unto the world.
What I love inspired and enlightens the world.
I shine my Light from within.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Birth of a God

Birth of a God
God is being born on the planet right now.
He is being born through She.
He is an electrifying, individuating force.
He moves through us like lightning and fire.
She is now strong enough to contain the voltage and amperage.
She has magnetized and attracted Him.
She is pregnant with herself, full of emptiness.
She is Gaia.
She is nature.
She is you and me.
The electricity is administering shock therapy to some,
shakti to others, and CPR to most.
Awakening, incepting, jump starting the
Fire in the Soul.
Rem-embering and Inspiriting
The God force is activating within each individual
and literally catching fire.
God and Goddess are becoming one.
Light and Love.
Mind and Soul.
Scientist and Artist.
Priest and Shaman.
Connecting all to the Heart ring.
He moves through the eye, the gap, the void of Her creation.
Splitting each atomically through diamond like pressure
and causing the absolutely and unutterably unique I AM presence
to Shine and reveal itself to and through the Observable Universe.
God and Goddess have re-united and we are one.

copyright 2012 Rev. Renee Bledsoe

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 2012: DeLight in Life

"Everything in the Universe is within you." - Rumi 

Joy, peace, fulfillment, cooperation, collaboration, harmony, unity, purpose, passion, sacredness, connection, creativity, divinity, gratitude and love... these are the things in life that lie beneath the surface and drive the silent stream of our most basic and ancient longing. We think we want things, but what we really want is the freedom to experience our life with these intangibles of delight. So what if we were to focus our thoughts, desires and intentions on the creation of these truly soul-quenching delights.. on these things that cannot be bought? Do you think that being that intrinsically satisfied from our inner being, from our soul would have an effect on our earthly manifestations? Or do you still think that we have to, strictly speaking, Think to grow rich? Don't we need to feel, too? 

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."  - John F. Kennedy 

The Law of Attraction certainly does require that we feel and in fact it feeds off of our gratitude... the water that makes that garden grow is our very appreciation. But appreciation cannot be faked, and gratitude that is shamed out of us is probably most useful as an indicator of how disconnected from source that we are. True gratitude is an almost instantaneous, often overflowing feeling of appreciation and a deep laying in of knowledge of our blessedness. So how do we open ourselves up to more gratefulness and deeper appreciation? We open our eyes to the joys of the "free stuff"... like air for instance. Air has much to teach about both freedom and creation.

The power of the breath is unparalleled. It is the divine primordial template for abundance. We breathe in, receiving life sustaining oxygen and spirit/prana or chi, as some call it... then we breathe out, releasing the by product of what no longer serves us out into the earth's atmosphere which converts it to another form of energy. So the key is in receiving, what is freely available to us. That is the building block of all creation.

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." - Epictetus

We often, however, forget about how important the out breath is to the whole manifestation process. The Secret didn't really let us in on the other secret, that you often will need to make room and let go of things once you start asking for other things. The universe will only let us hoard for so long. Then just like any other bottleneck of energy, its time will come for release... one way or another. If you want to paint your room red, you're going to have give up those white walls.

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." - Thornton Wilder

It is important to note that surrendering to delight can often be fraught with peril, because our innocence of this process can keep us from being grateful for the removal of what is blocking us from our deeper desire. For example if you wanted more joy or more peace something curious might happen... you might get a good dose of just the opposite. Why do think that might be? That's easy. So you can notice it, see the source and do something about it! That's why! For heaven sakes, the universe is a magical manifestation machine, not a miracle worker. You and your inner magician are the miracle worker!

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein

The universe is your echo chamber, your playground to build your world, your canvas to create love, your laboratory to invent more realizations of beauty, more ways to connect, to share, to grow, your theater to sing, dance and play... to use your immense power from our creator wisely and maybe even a bit wildly. It's time to dream and manifest your state of being, even more so than your state of having or doing, for it is from the soulspace of your being that you can create your world even beyond what you can now imagine. It's time to activate your best and highest ideals of your Self by allowing the soulful desires of your heart to bring you to the place of absolute delight in your life.

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
July 01 - Sacred Circle Altar - Delight in Life
July 08 - Perceive, Believe, Conceive, Receive
July 15 - Surrender to your vision
July 22 - Of Freedom and Joy
July 29 - Manifesting your soul

Delight Affirmations

I am free to be myself.

I have the courage and strength to claim my free will.

I align my will with the will of my higher self.

My soul has been set free.
I practice freedom, by tending to my soul.
I love life and life loves me.
I am free to fulfill my destiny.
My boundaries and clear communication create a safe space.
I am a force for good to be reckoned with.
I am free to make mistakes.
The universe is conspiring on my behalf.
It is by my purified and unified will that I set my mind in motion.
I gladly pay the price for freedom through the eternal vigilance of the desires of my soul.
I set myself free.
I am free to express from the deepest parts of my being.
I am all for one and one for all.
I surrender to my soul which leads me to the light.

The will of my mind, the will of my body, the will of my soul are one with the will of God.

I allow the phoenix within me to rise up out of the ashes.

I step into my highest calling.

I remember who and what I am.
I give myself permission to re-enter the garden.
My body is a vehicle for freedom and the actualization of my dreams.
I dream myself awake to all that I am.

I choose life and I honor that choice.
I take great delight in my Life.

copyright 2012 Rev. Renee Bledsoe  Church of Spiritual Light
Permission to re-print

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2012: Engaging the New Earth

“Become conscious of being conscious.” ― Eckhart Tolle

There probably aren't too many people who haven't at least heard the term "new earth". But many are unsure of what it might mean. People have lots of questions about it, with reactions spanning from excitedly looking forward to a more positive way of life,  to fear and anxiety over the deconstruction of broken, outdated systems that are no longer working and everything in between. Others wonder if they should buy into the doomsday and end times prophecies and speculate as to the survivability of humanity, let alone hold out hope for a new earth. Yet if we pay attention, even the most grounded of us can notice a shift that is happening in many subtle and some not so subtle ways.

You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you, and allowing that goodness to emerge.”  ― Eckhart Tolle

The new earth is mostly about a shift in consciousness. With more and more people on the planet who understand the power of their thoughts, feelings, beliefs and intentions, there has never been a greater ability to focus and create in the history of the world. Furthermore, not only can the individual wield the power of the mind, we have the ability to galvanize and unify hundreds, thousands and even millions of people in what often can be virtually an instant. As information goes viral, change can take place very rapidly and with immense amounts of support.

Even mainstream media is picking up on topics that they once shunned.... from shows about mediums and ghost hunters, to the Dog Whisperer and Super Nanny who respectively work with the energy of not just the dogs and the kids, but the people whom they belong to. And let's not forget Oprah's new focus on the world of inspiration, with shows like Super Soul Sunday featuring some of the most popular metaphysical, spiritual and motivational teachers of our time.

“You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are.” 
― Eckhart Tolle

In the new earth paradigm we are no longer anonymous, we are present and accountable. We no longer isolate and suffer in silence, we reach out and connect to gain and gather experience, strength and hope. Our work is no longer solely focused upon making money, but on doing good in the world, bringing joy, healing and empowerment to others and trusting that the money will follow. The new earth is about absolute abundance and the release of poverty consciousness. As our notion of abundance is shifting, we no longer measure our wealth in dollars and sense alone, but in the intangibles of life, such as the fulfillment of our purpose, the quality of our relationships, natural resources, spiritual connection, personal and planetary peace, joy and love. It's definitely not business as usual.

“What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.”  ― Eckhart Tolle

The new earth is something that is simultaneously happening to us and through us. As  geographical communities become tighter and more tribal, we will be creating a sacred and stable foundation for each individual to find their own domain. Everyone is the leader of something and technology has now made it accessible and possible for anyone to access the interconnected web of souls and find their place in the global community. We no longer have to choose between local or global... we now have to learn to dance with it all and discern what is right for our soul's ultimate expression. The new earth supports the soul and it could be said that the new earth is the emergence of the soul of the world.

These are exciting and promising times that we live in. We've come a very long way and we've been given much. But to whom much is given, much is required. We are at a very delicate time in human history. Time is condensing and our ability to communicate and connect is escalating that effect. It's time now to take our technology and use it to save the earth and free ourselves from the limitations of the past. As we become increasingly more socially and soul conscious, we become connected to our own conscience and expand ourselves into the new earth energies of compassion and true love. It is in this way that we come into communion with all that is and experience the synergy of our individuality as part of a greater whole. And the result of this is heaven on earth. It's already here for many of us. After all if we are the ones we've been waiting for, why wait?

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
June 03 - Engaging with the New Earth
June 10 - Socially Conscious Life and Times
June 17 - Sacred Circle Altar - Honoring Father
June 24 - Tribal Community: Living in Wholeness

I am connected to every living thing through the divine matrix of the earth's grid.
I meditate out in nature.
I consciously connect to the earth's energies.
I access higher consciousness by becoming the tracker in my life.
I open to learning new modes and ways of being.
I experience oneness with all nature.
I commune with the earth and receive her messengers.
Spiritual messages are only awaiting my awareness to be revealed.
As I become more sensitive to the unseen world, I receive new high and vital energy and information.
The elementals of earth, air, fire and water and spirit are within me.
It is through meditation and other peaceful activities that I enter the fifth dimension.
The fifth dimension is accessed through my conscious contact with the place of no time and no space.
With practice, I can enter fifth dimensional consciousness at will and ultimately integrate it into my everyday experience.
The more enlightened I become, the more love I see all around me.
My mind is in service to my soul.
My soul is connected to the oversoul of the world.
I live with peace and purpose.
I am centered in my heart.
I live life on purpose.
I allow my limitless self to emerge.
I enter the boundless state of my being at will.
I am a limitless being of light.
I am supplied with all things needful both spiritual and material by opening to receive the earth's bounty.
I call upon the power of the medicine wheel to bring me to wholeness and integration.
I am ready now to fully integrate my higher self to sustain higher consciousness.
As I become more aware and connected to my conscience, I feel the oneness of the all.
I open to the power of tribal community.
I remove all masks and allow my authentic self to be revealed.
I take responsibility for my own life and for bringing more life force onto the planet.
I give my soul weight in my life.
I have deep gratitude for the blessings of the earth and appreciate all that is available to me.
I live my life in wholeness and fulfill my human potential.
I open myself to greater awareness of New Earth energies and do my part to bring heaven to earth.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sai Maa Diksha Initiation Ceremony

Bringing Enlightenment to the World

You are cordially invited to the Sai Maa Pure Light (Diksha) Initiation Ceremony on May 20th, Sunday afternoon 3-5pm at Church of Spiritual Light, 1939 Park Meadows Dr, Fort Myers, FL 33907.
There is no cost for this ceremony, however, we are requesting a $20 fee to cover expenses. The ceremony will be conducted by Rev. Renee Bledsoe.

After the initiation you will be a part of the spritual lineage of Sai Ma and able to both give and receive the Pure Light Sai Maa Diksha Blessing.

“A Community without the tradition of Diksha is like a desert.  Only by wisdom can we understand how to make our life holy and sanctified. This wisdom itself is known as Diksha.” ~ Sai Maa

The Sanskrit word Diksha comes from the root da, to give plus ksi, to destroy and therefore is the process that bestows transcendental, spiritual knowledge while at the same time destroying the seeds of ignorance.  Many Great Masters have offered Diksha in many different forms however, Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi has brought us a simple, systematic approach that can be easily learned and offered by everyone.  We call this Sai Maa Diksha.

We are entering a remarkable time for the world, unlike any other in recorded history.  There is a Great Shift, a universal transformation taking place that will propel humankind from doubt and confusion, into a Golden Age of Joy, Peace and Understanding.  Powerful new energies are being generated and radiated throughout the world.  Great blessings are being showered upon us.

Sai Maa tells us that the most effective tool to take full advantage of these Divine Gifts is the practice of giving and receiving Sai Maa Diksha.  This Pure Energy and Light begins a process of dynamic change, activating our dormant spiritual powers, releasing all that no longer serves us, opening the path to Enlightenment.

In an unprecedented gesture of generosity, Sai Maa is freely offering this magnificent gift to the world.  If you are ready to bring Sai Maa Diksha to our friends and family, ready to train others and to be an active participant in the Great Shift, the following information is available to support you.

This Pure Energy and Light begins a process of dynamic change, activating our dormant spiritual powers, releasing all that no longer serves us, opening the path to Enlightenment.  Different spiritual lineages offer different intentions with their Diksha. Sai Maa Diksha is the initiation of bliss; bliss being an aspect of Enlightenment.

Click here to read more about Sai Maa and Humanity In Unity

Sunday, April 29, 2012

May 2012: Blossoming & Becoming

“If a great thing can be done, it can be done easily, but this ease is like the ease of a tree blossoming after long years of gathering strength.”  ~John Ruskin

In the springtime we experience what can be thought of as the "first harvest", with the second often more widely recognized harvest in the fall. If we were to apply the cycles of the seasons to the cycles of our lives, we would gain a great deal of insight about how to recognize the opportunities that are available to us and work more effectively with the energies of the times. For example, understanding the subtleties of the first harvest has important implications which are important to the development of our soul. For the first harvest relates directly to the emergence of the soul, because it involves the restoration of beauty and bounty to the earth; blossoming of flowers, new life, growth and greening. Love is literally in the air!

“The role of the artist I now understood as that of revealing through the world-surfaces the implicit forms of the soul, and the great agent to assist the artist was the myth.” ~Joseph Campbell

It might be helpful to think of the things that we experience in the springtime as being the work of the soul, and to take that a step further, understand that what is nurtured and harvested at this time, will have an effect on the quality of the denser second harvest of the fall. This is not necessarily about rigidly living by the seasons, but by understanding that these patterns which are revealed through nature are showing us something about manifestation and creation cycles and patterns, that are real and applicable to our lives in many areas, from relationships to businesses.

"Art need no longer be an account of past sensations. It can become the direct organization of more highly evolved sensations. It is a question of producing ourselves, not things that enslave us." ~ Angela Carter

The soul feeds upon inspiration and life force. It requires beauty and vitality to create something new and treasured from its depths. Exposing ourselves to and experiencing beauty is not an option, but just as nurturing to our being as eating and drinking. The flowers, foliage and insects of the first harvest are literally what give rise to the second, typically food crops which nourish our bodies. It is interesting to see the interplay of the two and how they are connected, with certainly one no less important, than the other. For surely if the body is weak and hungry, the soul has no vehicle, and if the soul is weak and hungry, the spirit and ultimately the body will wither.

The month of May, with its focus on mothering, flowering, nurturing and blossoming is a reminder to us all to give the joys and the artistry of the soul more weight in our lives. It reminds us that the work of the soul is anything but frivolous, for without it, we might be able to squeak by and survive for a while, but the reality is that we must allow our souls to open and bloom if we want to actually grow and thrive!

I am open to the expansion of my being.
My unique perspective and insight reveals my soul's purpose.
I allow my soul's purpose to emerge into the light.
I bloom and blossom as I focus upon my heart's desires.
As I find my place within my community, others can then find their place more easily.
When I work as a team, I am invoking the power of the divine feminine.
The soul's work is equally as important as any other work that I do.
I give the expression of my soul weight in my life.
I pay attention to all the aspects of my being.
I let love flow through my creations.
I create myself with intentions from my soul.
I contemplate and reflect upon my heart's desires.
I use my powers of manifestation for abundance of love, peace, purpose and joy.
I use the power of intention to create a beautiful life.
I work with Light to fill the darkness and reveal the truth of my life.
My life is my masterpiece and I live my joy.
Love is at the foundation of my every thought, word and deed.
I am loved and loving to myself and others.
I allow the petals of my consciousness to lovingly expand to the light.
I nurture and nourish my body, mind, heart, soul and spirit.
I call upon omnipotent forces for assistance with my life, including angels, guides, guardians and my higher power.
I trust the omnipotent forces that I call upon.
I reach deep into my soul, for I have purified my heart and reclaimed my inner child.
I set my inner child free to grow and mature into a loving,healthy, creative adult.
I am devoted to helping others to express their soul.
I honor the spirit of all things.
I recognize my darkness, lovingly turn it into the light and look to the sun.
I open my heart to the world, by revealing my soul creations.
I receive the abundance of my soul.
I trust my soul and free myself to express my true self.
It is safe to be me because I surround myself with those who nurture and support me.
Others nurture and support me, because I nurture and support myself.
When I help myself, helpful people are drawn to me and want to do the same.
If I allow others to be served by my soul's purpose, I will attract others who are awakening to their soul purpose.
I receive the bounty of the earth and the beauty of my soul.
My wisdom is important to the world.

Friday, April 27, 2012

ATA: Attracted to Addicts?

Have you ever noticed that the same people show up in your life over and over again? They just have a different name or a different face, but their actions and behaviors are the same.  Well, if so have a look at the following questionnaire and if you have answered yes to more than half of these questions, then this class: Attracted to ADDICTS? is for you. It will give you the tools you need to begin today to understand why you have attracted the same people over and over again and make the necessary changes to attract people who are in alignment with your souls purpose.

ATA3—attraction to addicts, addiction and addictive behavior

The Addicts’ Behavior
1 His/her mood swings can be sudden and frightening.
2 S/he seems to have no moral boundaries.
3 S/he can lie without blinking and continue to lie indefinitely.
4 His/her attitude is that the rules do not apply to him/her.
5 S/he habitually blames others for his/her circumstances.
6 S/he promises to ‘never do it again’ whatever ‘it’ may be.
7 S/he hides or minimizes the extent of use of any alcohol or drugs.
8 S/he does almost everything - from sports to food- to an extreme.
9 S/he can justify almost any behavior and convince you of it.
10 S/he has a difficult time being intimate or discussing intimacy.

Your Behavior
1 You feel guilty or ashamed because you have ‘found’ another addict.
2 You wonder how you ended up in this situation once again.
3 You find yourself being more angry than usual.
4 You have allowed the addict to change the direction of your life.
5 You often feel as though you must walk on eggshells around him/ her.
6 You are beginning to feel as though you are losing your mind.
7 You drink more than usual when you are with him/her.
8 You find it hard to believe that s/he is lying to you again.
9 You want to believe that things will change ‘this time.’
10 You worry about what others will think if you leave this relationship.

Join us for this weekly group and take a journey into the heart of relationship recovery with author and recovery advocate, Trina Hayes. Trina has authored a book called, Attracted To Addicts, along with a companion journal, which will be used for this class.

When: Every Thursday 6-7:30pm
Location: Church of Spiritual Light, 1939 Park Meadows Dr. #1, Fort Myers, FL 33907
Cost: $5 (donated to the space) Books may be purchased from Trina
Phone: 239-560-6314

"Attracted to ADDICTS? is a compelling personal story filled with factual insight about the reasons people are attracted to addicted, compulsive and other dysfunctional people.  It explores why ending a relationship with one addict often s sets the stage for getting into a relationship with another addict.  Most importantly, it give guidelines for finding a way out of the cycle through personal change." ~  Terry Gorski Founder of Cenaps,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sophia Ceremony

By those who love her she is readily seen,
And found by those who look for her...
In every thought of theirs,
she comes to meet them.
-Wisdom of Solomon 6:12 and 16

Sophia Ceremony

Purpose of Ritual: 
Dedicate myself to the Goddess Sophia and asking her help in letting my past negative self go.

Ceremonial Materials:
Candles - 1 black candle (dissolve negative energy)
1 white candle (all healing)
Incense - clove, eucalyptus or lemon (healing, protection, energy)
Offerings - tree blossoms
Picture of White Dove
When to perform: New or Waxing Moon
Oil to anoint
Sage/Palo Santo Spray
Create Sacred Space

Opening Prayer
 North - I call upon the earth, Gaia, to surround me with loving energy and to assist me in dispelling negative energy in my life.
East - I call upon the air, to blow into my life and sweep away the negativity.
South - I call upon the fire to burn away the negative and cleanse my life.
West - I call upon the water to send waves of positivity into my life and take back the negative.

I now ask Sophia to come into my life and show me the way. I ask her to cleanse me and remove any negativity in my life. Please lead me on the path I need to be on to establish myself as a happy, healthy, positive person.

O Gnostic,
O Knower,
of the unity of Love and Wisdom,
the androgyny of Heaven and Earth,
and of Nature and Spirit.
O Knower
of The Great Goddess,
The Great Mother,
who calls herself
Holy is her name,
cocreator of all things,
earthly and divine.
Divine Love
lives with Eternal Wisdom,
together as one,
as a child in its mother's womb.
gathers all of her children.
O Gnostic,
to you she calls
to fulfill the prophecy,
to manifest the vision
of Peace on Earth.
I call upon Sophia and her 3 daughters, Faith, Hope and Love

Take oil and anoint yourself on the forehead:
"Sophia, replace the negative thoughts with positive."
the lips: "Sophia, replace the negative words with positive."
the heart: "Sophia, replace the negative feelings with positive."
the palms: "Sophia, replace the negative actions with positive."
the feet: "Sophia, take me only on the path you lead me."

I thank Sophia for coming into my life, my heart, my soul. For leading me on the right path and bringing me to a more positive place in my life.

Closing & Release
East - I thank the air for your blessings.
South - I thank the fire for your blessings.
West - I thank the water for your blessings.
North - I thank the earth, Gaia, for your blessings.

Amen. Aho!